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[工学] [HELP] Food Process Engineering : Theory and Laboratory ... +PDF+100 + longtime attach_img agree belco 2014-4-22 1862 wlctcl 2014-4-22 10:34
[工学] [Help] Heat Transfer in Food Processing : Recent Developm..+PDF +100B+longterm attach_img agree eli.123 2014-4-21 1744 lifei 2014-4-22 04:50
[工学] Variational Approach to Structural Analysis+pdf+50+1 year attach_img agree fenglin520 2014-4-21 2976 towards 2014-4-21 10:29
[工学] The Solid Earth, 2nd Edition+PDF+50BB+永久 attach_img agree f200818650 2013-6-2 41209 cljdzj 2014-4-17 04:13
[工学] [应助]Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology Volume 4+PDF+200+永久 attach_img agree gyrowheel 2014-4-13 1676 muyuchch 2014-4-14 10:58
[工学] [应助]Computational Electromagnetics +PDF+300币+永久 attach_img agree fsae88 2014-4-12 5962 yjvs 2014-4-13 17:54
[工学] Processing Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites+PDF+30币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-2 4773 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-12 20:55
[工学] Handbook of Atomization and Sprays+PDF + 免费 + 永久 attach_img agree bkdzxl 2013-4-9 3959 treysong 2014-4-10 10:51
[工学] Responsive Materials and Method+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-2 1736 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-2 12:56
[工学] 【应助】Nanoscale Physics for Materials Science+PDF+100币+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2014-4-1 1792 xianjiaoda 2014-4-1 18:18
[工学] Nano-Age: How Nanotechnology Changes Our Future+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img zhaowei20063563 2014-3-30 1733 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-31 19:56
[工学] Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-31 4695 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-31 16:30
[工学] Graphene: Properties, Preparation Characterisation and Devices +PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-30 0947 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-30 00:44
[工学] A Collection of Detailed Mechanisms and Synthetic Applications+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-21 8837 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-30 00:30
[工学] The art of problem solving in organic chemistry+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-21 3738 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-29 21:17
[工学] Textbook of Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-22 3705 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-29 21:17
[工学] Nanodesign: Some Basic Questions+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-27 2683 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-29 21:17
[工学] SPSS与统计分析+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-28 1723 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-29 21:16
[工学] 云端时代杀手级应用:大数据分析+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-3-20 6952 zhaowei20063563 2014-3-28 08:57
[工学] 【应助】21天学通Linux C编程(第2版)+pdf+200B+永久 attach_img agree xiaohome2009 2013-9-13 2773 冫广风了一 2014-3-21 18:50
[工学] Electrochemical Nanotechnology+PDF + 免费 + 永久 attach_img agree bkdzxl 2013-4-9 81400 soheilamayeh 2014-3-18 01:45
[工学] 【应助】Finite Element Analysis for Satellite Structures: Applicatio+PDF+50b attach_img agree aliieeee 2013-5-8 71033 哈哈哈 2014-3-13 23:26
[工学] 【应助】土木工程实用力学+100币+pdf+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2014-3-3 0819 ucdavis 2014-3-3 13:46
[工学] [应助] Advanced Design and Control+PDF+100BB + 永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2014-3-2 1833 keyan2013 2014-3-3 08:13
[工学] 【应助】Design of Wood Structures-ASD/LRFD+PDF+350币+永久有效 attach_img agree ucdavis 2014-2-22 41028 ucdavis 2014-2-22 19:41
[工学] Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications +pdf+50bb+永久 attach_img agree aliieeee 2013-3-7 11028 cndeusa 2014-2-22 10:29
[工学] Antenna Theory and Applications + PDF + 50BB attachment agree belco 2013-9-17 31117 zqtong 2014-2-21 05:29
[工学] Air Mobility A Brief History of the American Experience+pdf+50B+永久 attach_img agree fenglin520 2013-11-29 1796 yangshijian 2014-2-17 19:31
[工学] 【应助】Make: Technology on Your Time Volume 37+PDF+200BB+永久 attach_img agree gyrowheel 2014-2-11 2757 gyrowheel 2014-2-17 15:13
[工学] 【应助】异质复合介质的电磁性质+50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-3-22 1899 figlonggg 2014-2-16 19:23
[工学] 【应助】Translational Dynamics and Magnetic Resonance+PDF+200BB+永久 attach_img agree gyrowheel 2014-2-12 1803 bsrbr 2014-2-13 08:36
[工学] 【应助】基础糖化学+pdf+50币币+永久 attach_img agree ljrlove2008 2013-5-3 2940 lifei 2014-2-5 09:11
[工学] Physical Models of Semiconductor Quantum Devices + PDF + 50BB attachment agree belco 2013-9-18 1830 yjvs 2014-2-1 10:44
[工学] Orbital mechanics and formation flying+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-28 2935 arinoa 2014-1-29 03:35
[工学] [help] Symmetry Relationships between Crystal Structures + PDF +100 BB attach_img marzifarid 2014-1-21 1700 xianjiaoda 2014-1-21 11:53
[工学] [Help] Aberration-Corrected Imaging inTransmission... +PDF+ 100币 attachment agree belco 2013-10-7 21367 g2932026 2014-1-15 01:40
[工学] Design and Analysis of Composite Structures + PDF + 50B attach_img disagree belco 2013-6-7 41403 左岸未央 2014-1-6 10:31
[工学] FOURIER acoustics+PDF+50速递币+永久有效 attachment agree zhangtaoqiqi 2013-12-30 0709 zhangtaoqiqi 2013-12-30 13:28
[工学] 书名+pdf+50速递币+永久有效 新人帖 attach_img agree zhangtaoqiqi 2013-12-30 1705 info 2013-12-30 13:03
[工学] China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013 Proceedings +pdf+50BB+永久 attach_img agree ljrlove2008 2013-5-16 41019 lizhenhai666 2013-12-28 14:58


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