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[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十二 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 01041 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:23
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十一 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0920 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:21
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 01010 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:19
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之九 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 01067 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:18
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之八 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0911 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:17
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之七 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 31106 expaper 2012-11-3 21:57
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之六 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11628 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:06
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之五 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0972 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:11
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之四 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11192 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:04
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之三 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11100 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:01
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之二 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 21032 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:03
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之一 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 31107 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:04
[经验分享] ~~在阅读文献中提升自己~~ agree ljrlove2008 2012-11-2 272031 dayu 2013-9-15 11:12
[网络资源] 三十七所国内外大学硕博士论文下载 agree ljrlove2008 2012-11-1 71456 203yang 2013-2-16 23:11
[网络资源] 国内上网图书馆集中地 heatlevel agree  ...234 ljrlove2008 2012-10-31 11112187 alanturing 2019-7-21 21:52
[网络资源] 最便捷的学术导航! agree 馅饼 2012-10-29 101984 求助qq 2014-6-7 21:07
[检索教程] GOOGLE搜索从入门到精通 - [阅读权限 10] agree  ...2 wangbingxhy 2012-10-28 52140 goahead36 2015-4-25 17:08
[经验分享] 怎样计算SCI影响因子 agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-27 01039 wangbingxhy 2012-10-27 18:39
[网络资源] 科研常用的九个搜索引擎(都是英文方面的搜索引擎) agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-26 31312 jiangleiyu 2013-5-3 15:47
[网络资源] 9个网站满足你所有研究的需要 agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-26 01259 wangbingxhy 2012-10-26 12:19
[网络资源] 用Google scholar进行文献检索 agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-26 51926 natureking 2013-1-2 12:37
[经验分享] [转帖]名校VPN以及EZ权限的使用心得 agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-24 11220 rydberg 2012-10-24 21:59
[其它] socks代理怎么用啊? agree yanghai811228 2012-10-22 21144 info 2012-10-22 12:38
[数据库] 化学期刊所属数据库列表(转) agree info 2012-10-16 41657 wangliwei0913 2014-10-22 20:56
[检索教程] 【检索必备】世界名校的VPN使用pcf文件合集 attachment agree smile 2012-10-16 41457 shachang 2014-6-19 16:23
[检索教程] 【检索必备】世界各国大学sslvpn合集 - [售价 18 速递币] attachment agree smile 2012-10-16 71277 quan20080506 2012-12-27 10:28
[检索教程] 如何寻找免费资源 - [售价 2 速递币] xql1988224 2012-10-16 61253 mistero 2013-4-24 14:24
[检索教程] SQL注入攻击与防御 - [售价 2 速递币] agree xql1988224 2012-10-16 111711 oxinbaobao 2014-5-28 21:52
[数据库] 数据库基本知识【新手必看】 agree xql1988224 2012-10-16 81540 科研虫虫 2012-10-18 10:45
[检索教程] 注入教程【初级】 attachment agree 秀出自我 2012-10-15 21520 cyq2018 2018-3-19 10:51
[检索教程] 从头开始学代理【新手必读】 attachment agree 秀出自我 2012-10-12 41608 Seek-o 2012-10-16 14:15
[经验分享] 网络学术免费资源检索与利用 agree coral2008 2012-10-11 41177 yanghai811228 2012-10-25 20:33
[经验分享] (吐血大奉献)VPN +GS+馆藏= “全世界 文献” 唾手可得 agree coral2008 2012-10-11 51510 Seek-o 2012-10-16 14:12
[检索教程] 图解 Proxifier 的使用 agree coral2008 2012-10-11 31443 Seek-o 2012-10-16 14:13
[检索教程] 吸附网址极其检索式(google的检索语法) agree coral2008 2012-10-11 13239 Seek-o 2012-10-16 14:16
[检索教程] 破解ez网站的方法 attachment agree eagle360 2012-10-10 51824 dtmagp 2014-1-8 16:58
[检索教程] Ezproxy研究基础教程【1】 eagle360 2012-10-10 51642 eagle360 2012-10-11 08:40
[其它] 最全面的检索知识讲座 agree coral2008 2012-10-7 51410 Seek-o 2012-10-16 14:16
[数据库] 几大常用理工数据库总结(包括影响因子,创刊时间,涵盖领域) attachment agree 科研虫虫 2012-10-7 172309 川木通 2016-3-24 15:18
[检索教程] 【Cisco vpn软件、世界著名大的pcf文件汇总及相关教程】 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 科研虫虫 2012-10-7 12213715 sfqry01 2022-2-16 01:22


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