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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
[经验分享] 交流学习:ingenta可注册大学汇总贴 新人帖 heatlevel agree  ...23 过来玩玩 2016-1-28 847352 Michaelzs 2023-8-7 16:53
[经验分享] 分享几个下载文献有代理ip水印的数据库或者杂志 heatlevel agree  ...23456 罗烟步我也会 2016-6-2 15414691 fj0730 2023-6-17 17:50
[经验分享] 较高级的一点注入经验 heatlevel agree  ...2345 bham 2013-10-12 13412778 lilaogao 2022-6-28 14:06
[经验分享] 分享一些注册就能下载的数据库或者杂志 heatlevel agree  ...2 罗烟步我也会 2016-5-23 544879 zjh810 2021-2-26 12:42
[经验分享] 一个据说永不抽风的谷歌ip地址 heatlevel  ...23456..11 info 2013-3-10 30124275 alanturing 2019-7-21 22:03
[经验分享] SCI-HUB可用域名监测 - [售价 20 速递币] a253268277 2018-7-2 31351 zbgood2009 2018-7-2 23:39
[经验分享] 原创软件:网址转换 attachment heatlevel bham 2013-10-16 242294 chqschqs 2017-10-26 00:44
[经验分享] 本人破解的一些经验方法 - [售价 5 速递币] agree cctv098998 2015-10-15 181890 bkbd 2017-5-31 01:12
[经验分享] 推荐学习——关于合理使用资源的几点建议 [转载] abc123 2017-1-5 11178 qingbuyujie 2017-1-5 16:16
[经验分享] 某超高名校改密时间查询链接 Kim 2016-3-17 131740 shishende 2016-10-20 23:45
[经验分享] 这两天加拿大大学验证时发现的两个问题 heatlevel agree  ...23 oxinbaobao 2014-11-5 705580 woxinfeixiang 2016-7-7 11:56
[经验分享] 可免费下载sciencedirect的文献的网站  ...23456..8 scx 2013-5-20 22214014 jingshui 2016-5-3 08:38
[经验分享] 咱也能用google.com heatlevel  ...2 blackhawk 2013-7-23 594258 chemxxb 2016-2-22 08:25
[经验分享] 搜集的所有google及google学术地址 maojy 2015-6-17 52088 masheng1984 2015-6-18 07:46
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[经验分享] 网络电子文献资源的检索工具 文传网 2015-1-22 1992 lo7ve77 2015-1-22 14:24
[经验分享] 注入命令.txt attachment agree zxc123 2012-10-5 121719 MY→Email 2014-5-14 20:09
[经验分享] ~~在阅读文献中提升自己~~ agree ljrlove2008 2012-11-2 271962 dayu 2013-9-15 11:12
[经验分享] 以往学术资源汇编(含账号&密码,你懂的)【科研速递首发】 - [售价 500 速递币] attach_img disagree smile 2013-7-18 52331 零风飞雪 2013-7-19 01:07
[经验分享] 关于ACS数据库 agree coral2008 2012-9-27 101382 feng5800 2013-1-26 16:41
[经验分享] 做科研注意事项 agree coral2008 2012-12-31 01016 coral2008 2012-12-31 15:51
[经验分享] scifinder简介 agree coral2008 2012-11-30 11131 jpzhao1988 2012-12-2 11:20
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之六 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11587 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:06
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之四 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11150 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:04
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之一 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 31069 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:04
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之二 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 2988 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:03
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之三 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 11068 wangbingxhy 2012-11-18 17:01
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之七 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 31072 expaper 2012-11-3 21:57
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十六终结篇 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0987 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:30
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十五 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0940 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:28
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十四 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 01006 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:26
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十三 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0921 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:24
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十二 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0997 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:23
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十一 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0886 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:21
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之十 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0972 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:19
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之九 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 01033 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:18
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之八 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0871 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:17
[经验分享] Web of Knowledge平台应用技巧之五 attachment agree coral2008 2012-11-3 0937 coral2008 2012-11-3 21:11
[经验分享] 怎样计算SCI影响因子 agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-27 0997 wangbingxhy 2012-10-27 18:39
[经验分享] 网络学术免费资源检索与利用 agree coral2008 2012-10-11 41139 yanghai811228 2012-10-25 20:33
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