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Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Theory and Algorithms attach_img agree scx 2014-5-10 2597 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-10 15:51
Solid State Chemistry and its Applications 2nd Edition: Student Edition attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-5-8 0660 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-8 19:24
你不可不知的世界最美100地 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 4656 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-6 12:18
人工神经网络研究进展及论文发表过程论辩 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 4745 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-5 21:20
小胜靠智,大胜靠德 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 4670 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-5 20:31
为什么冷场的总是你 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 4655 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-5 20:30
不做瞎忙族 时间和效率管理的终极法则 经典畅销版 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 4798 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-5 20:30
你不可不知的100个新手驾驶问题 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-28 3716 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-5 15:57
免费【姐妹们五一快乐】情商改变女人的一生 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-5-1 5866 zhaowei20063563 2014-5-2 13:24
2014年注会课件 attachment agree shixiwu 2014-4-29 4711 shixiwu 2014-4-29 00:18
男人的生财之道 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-28 0615 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-28 22:05
你不可不知更年期保健100招 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-28 0608 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-28 00:00
你不可不知的100个淘宝卖家高阶攻略 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 0576 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 23:53
你不可不知的100种皮肤保养秘诀 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 0615 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 23:39
你不可不知的买房陷阱 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 0613 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 23:18
赢在关键字广告:Google Adwords制作法宝:第2版 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 0560 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-27 22:43
很好理解的晶体断裂 agree limingming 2014-4-24 1614 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-24 17:38
Intelligent Systems for Automated Learning and Adaptation: Emerging Trends a... attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 2624 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-24 10:51
Evolving Application Domains of Data Warehousing and Mining: Trends and Solut... attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0667 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 23:01
Biological Data Mining attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0651 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 22:34
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0533 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 21:52
smart materials for drug delivery (volume1 and volume2) attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-4 181242 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 19:20
你不可不知的100种减肥塑身妙招 畅销特惠版 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 4740 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 19:12
塑身女王教你打造完美曲线 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0606 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 12:51
我的减肥秘籍 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0606 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 12:42
减肥的秘密:小娅的减肥秘籍 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 0576 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-23 12:40
化工生产节能技术 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 6834 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-20 17:39
谁在操纵你 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-14 101078 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-18 12:04
3D_World_2013-04 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0569 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 22:14
2013Photoshop CS6完全自学手册 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0574 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 22:05
Photoshop Image Editing Genius Guide attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0696 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 21:52
Photoshop CS6时尚服装设计表现技法 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0616 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 21:42
Photoshop抠图技法宝典 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0612 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 21:28
科学养生三大法宝 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 2558 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 21:09
Android应用案例开发大全 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 0565 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-17 20:23
Global Navigation Satellite Systems: From Stellar to Satellite Navigation attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-5 1666 hycan 2014-4-16 17:44
SPSS统计分析实用教程(第2版) attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-14 2602 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-15 10:05
MATLAB语言高级编程 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-13 2646 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-13 22:50
MATLAB统计分析与应用:40个案例分析 attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-13 2660 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-13 22:49
MATLAB GUI设计学习手记(第2版) attach_img agree zhaowei20063563 2014-4-12 4738 zhaowei20063563 2014-4-13 07:40


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