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[理学] 【应助】+Introduction to Robust Estimation and Hypothesis Testing+pdf+350BB attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-5-2 01049 meiyounicheng 2018-5-2 20:26
[理学] 【应助】+Molecular Biology of B-Cell and T-Cell Development+400b+pdf attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-4-25 0881 meiyounicheng 2018-4-25 08:00
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[理学] 【应助】Mirror Symmetry II+300金币+pdf attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-4-18 11164 tonyabcd 2018-4-18 21:08
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[理学] 【应助】热应力+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-4-4 11101 China007 2018-4-4 21:25
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[理学] 【应助】Linear and non-linear mechanical behavior of solid+PDF+100B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-3-16 11138 China007 2018-3-16 12:58
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[理学] 【应助】+Bread Staling+pdf+200金币 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-13 0913 meiyounicheng 2018-3-13 20:55
[理学] [应助]+Hydrophobic Interactions in Food Systems+pdf+200金币w attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-9 01000 meiyounicheng 2018-3-9 22:09
[理学] 【应助】Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding+PDF+200币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-3-6 0930 ucdavis 2018-3-6 17:06
[理学] 【应助】Standard Methods for Examination of Water...+PDF+200币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-3-4 1932 周丹丹1024 2018-3-4 19:42
[理学] 【应助】HDAC/HAT Function Assessment and Inhibitor...+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-3-4 11003 cathy916 2018-3-4 16:52
[理学] 【应助】Modular Forms and String Duality++pdf+200 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-2 51303 tonyabcd 2018-3-2 16:36
[理学] 【应助】Geometry and Quantum Field Theory+pdf+200 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-1 11101 tonyabcd 2018-3-1 15:00
[理学] 【应助】+Rice Science and Technology+PDF+200币 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-2-28 0865 meiyounicheng 2018-2-28 10:18
[理学] 【应助】+Food Antioxidants Technological, Toxicological and...+PDF+200金币 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-2-28 0987 meiyounicheng 2018-2-28 10:15
[理学] 【应助】Quantum Field Theory, Supersymmetry, and Enumerative Geometry+pdf... attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-2-27 11221 tonyabcd 2018-2-27 17:56
[理学] 【高难应助】流体力学+PDF+100B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2018-2-24 11132 sdust_never 2018-2-26 18:30
[理学] 12月第4本+Spectroscopic Methods in Food Analysis+300B+PDF attach_img 伤不起2010 2017-12-31 31134 ttfy 2018-2-2 08:55
[理学] 1月第1本+redefing science+PDF+100B attach_img 伤不起2010 2018-1-31 1828 jamesnk 2018-2-1 14:45
[理学] 【应助】单萜和倍半萜化学+150b+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2014-7-29 41222 ucdavis 2018-1-27 14:24
[理学] 【应助】Plant Programmed Cell Death+PDF+100币+永久 attach_img kunchongge 2018-1-19 61477 北溟鱼 2018-1-19 19:35
[理学] 【应助】Ethylene Signaling+PDF+100币+永久 attach_img kunchongge 2018-1-19 21005 kunchongge 2018-1-19 19:34
[理学] 【应助】T-Cell Differentiation Methods and Protocols+PDF+300B+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2017-2-3 41426 sunnyhill 2018-1-14 09:23
[理学] 【应助】T Cell Protocols+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2017-2-3 31127 小破同学 2018-1-9 21:20
[理学] 【应助】+Diffusion and Reactions in FractalsSystems+PDF+100BB attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-1-2 11079 China007 2018-1-2 22:04
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[理学] 【应助】+The Chemistry of Cereal Proteins, Second Edition +pdf+500B+long attach_img Ferrari 2017-12-14 0802 Ferrari 2017-12-14 14:20
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[理学] 【应助】An introduction to rice-grain technology+100币+pdf+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2017-11-8 11662 niceguy 2017-11-8 11:07
[理学] 【应助】Communications Receivers. Principles and Design 4ed+PDF+300B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2017-10-29 2963 yjvs 2017-10-30 19:33
[理学] 【应助】+Digital Mobile Communications and the Tetra System+pdf+200bb attach_img meiyounicheng 2017-10-10 11092 huwei007 2017-10-10 23:23
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[理学] 【高难应助】无线室内分布系统实战必读+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2017-9-21 2968 不皱也有纹 2017-9-26 10:45
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[理学] 10月第2本+Fluid Mechanics+PDF+200币 attach_img agree ak47 2015-10-2 31035 liwind 2017-9-13 11:48
[理学] 【应助】+Polymer Chemistry :Properties and Application+PDF+100币 attach_img meiyounicheng 2017-9-6 21064 henry77 2017-9-9 10:46
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