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[理学] Lewis Basicity and Affinity Scales+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-15 1943 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:45
[理学] Organic Chemistry (3rd edition)+pdf+0B+永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-10 526 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:45
[理学] Shriver and Atkins' Inorganic Chemistry, Fifth Edition +0B+pdf+永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-5 217 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:44
[理学] Corrosion Chemistry+0B+pdf+永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-7 216 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:43
[理学] Organic Crystal Engineering+0B+pdf+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-12 2850 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:42
[理学] Charge and Exciton Transport through Molecular Wires +0B+pdf++永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-2 518 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:41
[理学] Atom Resolved Surface Reactions: Nanocatalysis+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-18 1804 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:41
[理学] Tomorrow's Chemistry Today+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-18 1762 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:40
[理学] Handbook of Inorganic Chemicals+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-20 1939 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:35
[理学] Handbook of organic solvent properties+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-20 1851 郑锦华 2013-1-20 15:35
[理学] Red Beet Biotechnology+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-19 0740 halleris 2013-1-19 21:01
[工学] Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Revised and Expanded +pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-18 0781 halleris 2013-1-18 19:52
[理学] Basic Equations of the Mass Transport through a Membrane Layer+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-18 0870 halleris 2013-1-18 13:59
[理学] Cyber Criminology+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-18 0830 halleris 2013-1-18 13:37
[理学] Biodiesel: Feedstocks, Production and Applications+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-17 0860 halleris 2013-1-17 19:11
[理学] Drug Discrimination+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-17 11034 yanghai811228 2013-1-17 16:56
[工学] 【应助】WCDMA设计与优化手册+50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-17 1845 azou 2013-1-17 16:35
[其他] 【应助】Preclinical development handbook: Toxicology+PDF+50B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-16 61160 yanghai811228 2013-1-17 11:50
[理学] Mathematical Modeling Approaches for Optimization of Chemical Processes+pdf+0... attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-17 0875 halleris 2013-1-17 11:22
[其他] 【应助】Encyclopedia of Molecular Pharmacology, 2nd Edition+PDF+50B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-17 0932 yanghai811228 2013-1-17 09:59
[其他] 【应助】中国二氧化碳注入提高煤层气采收率+pdf+50币+永久 attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-16 11044 yanghai811228 2013-1-16 22:14
[工学] 【应助】半导体器件电子学 + 50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-16 1915 azou 2013-1-16 19:31
[工学] 【应助】电路+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-16 1850 azou 2013-1-16 19:26
[其他] 【应助】Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2版 50bb attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-16 0846 yanghai811228 2013-1-16 14:33
[其他] 【应助】Evidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology..+100BB+pdf+30天 attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-16 0938 yanghai811228 2013-1-16 14:16
[医学] 【应助】Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System in Children, Third Editi... attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-16 0812 yanghai811228 2013-1-16 13:19
[医学] 【应助】Applied mathematical models in human physiology+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-16 01043 老呆 2013-1-16 10:56
[理学] Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem., Sect. B: Org. Chem., 2012+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-15 0725 halleris 2013-1-15 23:08
[理学] Wine: Flavour Chemistry, 2nd Edition+0B+pdf+永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-5 112 ataoyo 2013-1-15 21:32
[理学] Organic Syntheses Based on Name Reactions, Third Edition+0B+pdf+永久 - [阅读权限 10] attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-10 118 ataoyo 2013-1-15 21:30
[医学] [应助]Ticks Biology, Disease and Control +PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-15 31030 natureking 2013-1-15 18:27
[其他] [应助] Comb-Shaped Polymers and Liquid Crystals+pdf+50速递币+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-14 3992 scx 2013-1-14 20:25
[理学] Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-14 0801 halleris 2013-1-14 09:07
[理学] Non-Conventional Functional Block Copolymers+pdf+20B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-14 0770 halleris 2013-1-14 08:55
[其他] 【应助】Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of Functional Equations in+pdf+60 attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-13 0866 yanghai811228 2013-1-13 23:15
[其他] 【应助】Applications of Metamaterials_PDF+50B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-12 1799 yanghai811228 2013-1-13 21:47
[其他] 【应助】Language and Social Cognition Expression of the Social Mind+pdf+5... attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-13 1891 scx 2013-1-13 17:01
[其他] 【应助】Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 4 60B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-13 1770 兔兔爱吃鱼 2013-1-13 15:50
[其他] [应助] 有花植物科志 Ⅱ.单子叶植物+pdf+50B+永久 attachment agree flyingowl 2013-1-13 0782 flyingowl 2013-1-13 12:06
[农学] 【应助】有花植物科志 Ⅰ.双子叶植物+50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-13 0743 老呆 2013-1-13 10:42


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