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[理学] Ions in Water and Biophysical Implications+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-2-1 0927 halleris 2013-2-1 09:22
[理学] 2013新出炉经典首发-Ordered Mesoporous Materials-pdf-售50-永久 attach_img agree small 2013-1-20 61062 tina132 2013-1-31 13:41
[其他] [应助] ebray+Postnationalism in Chicana+清晰PDF+50速递币+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 1887 bsrbr 2013-1-30 17:37
[工学] Mechatronics and manufacturing engineering+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-30 0700 20020901 2013-1-30 02:33
[工学] Laser surface modification of alloys +PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-30 0778 20020901 2013-1-30 02:30
[医学] Management of technology systems in garment industry+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-30 0816 20020901 2013-1-30 02:24
[工学] Alcoholic beverages Sensory evaluation+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-30 0896 20020901 2013-1-30 02:15
[理学] 【数学】A Course in Topological Combinatorics+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-29 01626 halleris 2013-1-29 20:08
[理学] 【数学】The Divergence Theorem and Sets of Finite Perimeter +pdf+20B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-29 0979 halleris 2013-1-29 19:58
[医学] [应助] Networks in Tropical Medicine+pdf+60币+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 01230 flyingowl 2013-1-29 17:36
[哲学] Philosophy of the Buddha : An Introduction+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 0796 flyingowl 2013-1-29 17:14
[其他] New Documentary+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 0720 flyingowl 2013-1-29 17:03
[其他] Holding Your Square+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 0706 flyingowl 2013-1-29 16:58
[其他] [应助]计算机辅助药物设计-基本方法原理概要与+pdf+50B+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 01607 flyingowl 2013-1-29 15:46
[工学] 【应助】图像情感语义分析技术+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-29 2795 老呆 2013-1-29 12:02
[其他] Ipad for Beginners+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-28 0756 halleris 2013-1-28 19:55
[工学] EMG Primer+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-28 01105 老呆 2013-1-28 16:24
[工学] 路侧安全设计指南+PDG+30B+2013年6月前 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-1-28 0786 德川家康 2013-1-28 14:51
[工学] 复合材料的设计基础与应用+PDG+20B+2013年6月前 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-1-28 0726 德川家康 2013-1-28 14:47
[工学] 道路交通安全技术+50B+清晰PDG+2013年6月前 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-1-28 0835 德川家康 2013-1-28 14:40
[工学] 【应助】摩擦学理论与设计_12366871+15M+50B+2013.06 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-1-28 0943 德川家康 2013-1-28 14:31
[文学] The Lost King+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 0750 flyingowl 2013-1-28 11:48
[文学] Magellan+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 0765 flyingowl 2013-1-28 11:22
[文学] Shackleton's Boat Journey+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 0834 flyingowl 2013-1-28 10:54
[医学] Integrative Wellness Rules : A Simple Guide to Healthy Living+PDF+5BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 0957 flyingowl 2013-1-28 10:38
[哲学] Anti-Badiou : The Introduction of Maoism into Philosophy+pdf+0+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 1829 yanghai811228 2013-1-28 10:33
[工学] False twist textured yarns+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-28 0705 20020901 2013-1-28 08:52
[工学] Coatings for biomedical applications+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-28 0796 20020901 2013-1-28 08:44
[工学] Progenitor and stem cell technologies and therapies+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-28 0859 20020901 2013-1-28 08:36
[工学] Polymer modified bitumen Properties and characterisation+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-28 0921 20020901 2013-1-28 08:32
[医学] Obesity : A ticking time bomb for reproductive health+pdf+0+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-28 0816 flyingowl 2013-1-28 00:10
[文学] The Travelling Rabbi : My African Tribe+pdf+0+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-27 0685 flyingowl 2013-1-27 23:44
[工学] Professional iOS Network Programming+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-22 2839 filus 2013-1-27 21:51
[其他] 【应助】Infochemistry: Information Processing at the+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-1-27 2967 yanghai811228 2013-1-27 21:40
[经济] The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-27 0781 halleris 2013-1-27 19:14
[理学] Designing Dendrimers+pdf+20B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-27 0803 halleris 2013-1-27 10:19
[理学] Modern Tools for the Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Molecules+pdf+20B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-27 0823 halleris 2013-1-27 09:42
[工学] Understanding the rheology of concrete+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-27 0837 20020901 2013-1-27 03:11
[工学] electrolyte membrane and direct methanol fuel cell +PDF+50币+永久... attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-27 0958 20020901 2013-1-27 03:04
[工学] Welding and joining of aerospace materials+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree 20020901 2013-1-27 0745 20020901 2013-1-27 02:57


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