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[艺术] 【应助】4月第1本+String Theory in a Nutshell+PDF+300B - [售价 300 速递币] ybdx016 2020-4-16 1868 tonyabcd 2020-4-17 09:46
[工学] 【应助】洁净钢 洁净钢生产工艺技术+PDF+100B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2020-4-15 01297 ucdavis 2020-4-15 22:52
[工学] 【应助】ANSYS工程结构数值分析+PDF+250BB+永久 attach_img gyrowheel 2020-4-12 53183 fisher323 2021-3-13 22:20
[其他] 【应助】The acorn user guide+PDF+100B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2020-3-22 01207 ucdavis 2020-3-22 15:45
[工学] 【应助】Pseudoelasticity of Shape Memory Alloys+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2020-3-21 11289 xianjiaoda 2020-3-21 23:07
[理学] 【应助】Biosimilars: Design and Analysis of Follow-on+PDF+2000B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2020-3-12 11679 zero_x45 2020-3-14 11:41
[文学] Britain in the Wider World 1603–1800+PDF +300bb attach_img 伤不起2010 2020-3-6 21124 EXP_KKKKK 2020-3-9 12:29
[医学] Successful Strategies for the Discovery of Antiviral Drugs 新人帖 - [阅读权限 10] - [售价 5 速递币] attach_img - [回帖奖励 1 ] chzhcpu 2020-3-6 02 chzhcpu 2020-3-6 09:12
[成功] 【应助】 A Global History of Medicine+200币+pdf+永久 attachment flyingowl 2020-2-10 11226 馅饼 2020-2-11 09:21
[法学] Radiochromic Film Role and Applications in Radiation Dosimetry+PDF+300bb attach_img 伤不起2010 2019-12-25 01211 伤不起2010 2019-12-25 22:20
[医学] 【应助】Radiochromic Film+PDF+300速递币+永久有效 attach_img mathlu 2019-12-25 01309 mathlu 2019-12-25 13:39
[医学] 【应助】Biopharmaceutical Processing+PDF+1000BB+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-12-16 72833 rumex 2020-10-13 09:59
[工学] (应助)材料化学_14343074+清晰PDG+51M+百度永久 - [售价 300 速递币] 大神 2019-10-12 0805 大神 2019-10-12 00:36
[工学] (应助)非平衡态冶金热力学_14257728+清晰PDG+38M+百度永久 - [售价 300 速递币] 大神 2019-10-12 11240 admin1234 2019-10-12 10:29
[成功] 9月第5本+The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning+400金币+pdf attach_img anjika 2019-9-21 01133 anjika 2019-9-21 22:03
[教育] 【应助】International Handbook of Research on Teachers...+PDF+400币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-9-20 11290 yezi001 2019-9-20 18:17
[教育] 【应助】Handbook of Reflection and Reflective Inquiry+PDF+300BB+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-9-15 11243 yezi001 2019-9-16 08:17
[成功] 9月第1本,Introduction to network security,pdf,300币 attach_img anjika 2019-9-11 01301 anjika 2019-9-11 01:19
[成功] [书籍互助] An Introduction to Virtual Sound Barriers+PDF+300币 attach_img anjika 2019-9-10 01388 anjika 2019-9-10 12:54
[理学] 【高难应助】结构屈曲分析理论和方法+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-8-28 234873 zafldq 2021-1-16 12:00
[医学] 【应助】The Challenge of CMC Regulatory Compliance for……+PDF+800+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-8-19 62092 huyulong 2020-4-29 18:14
[医学] 【应助】Quality by Design for Biopharmaceutical Drug……+PDF+800+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-8-19 11397 zero_x45 2019-8-21 09:54
[法学] 【求助】Business and the Law 7th Edition+PDF+300金币 tracepro 2019-8-2 0782 tracepro 2019-8-2 10:41
[工学] 【应助】聚焦离子束微纳加工技术+PDF+344B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-31 31438 fs3357 2019-8-5 13:13
[工学] 【应助】The Geometry of Ships+PDF+200+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-7-27 12163 mark3344 2019-7-27 15:34
[文学] 【高难应助】俄罗斯院士回忆航空半世纪+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-23 51815 zxwy77 2020-10-23 12:47
[理学] 【高难应助】细胞分子生物力学+PDF+300B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-23 184134 幽夜 2021-8-12 08:34
[理学] 【高难应助】何谓“现代的超克”+PDF+150B+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-23 124046 tsui0927 2021-2-16 10:44
[理学] 【应助】Plant Biology and Biotechnology: Volume II+PDF+300币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-23 01267 ucdavis 2019-7-23 14:55
[文学] 7月第1本+Handbook on Navier-stokes Equations+PDF+300币+long attach_img haojing 2019-7-15 11131 thesea 2019-7-15 22:21
[工学] 【应助】Maritime Technology and Engineering 3+PDF+300BB+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-7-10 11343 mark3344 2019-7-10 08:32
[文学] 【应助】不会被机器替代的人+PDF+300币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-7-8 41437 sunnyhill 2019-7-16 23:42
[理学] 【应助】船舶结构疲劳强度与焊接残余应力+PDF+200币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-6-25 81885 fs3357 2019-10-8 15:54
[理学] 【应助】冶金热力学+PDF+200币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-6-23 11219 xianjiaoda 2019-6-24 09:05
[理学] 【应助】Teaching By Numbers: Deconstructing...+PDF+200币+永久 attach_img ucdavis 2019-6-23 11592 yezi001 2019-6-23 20:50
[成功] An Introduction to the Atomic and Radiation Physics of Plasmas+第1本+600bb attach_img anjika 2019-6-15 21465 anjika 2019-7-11 20:01
[教育] 【应助】Thinking Through Project-Based Learning+PDF+200+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2019-6-15 11247 yezi001 2019-6-16 18:54
[成功] 6月第6本+Schools, Curriculum and Civic Education for Building +300金币 attach_img anjika 2019-6-13 01299 anjika 2019-6-13 09:52
[成功] 6月第5本+The Pedagogy of the Social Sciences Curriculum+300金币+pdf attach_img anjika 2019-6-13 01066 anjika 2019-6-13 09:37
[成功] 6月第1,Globalization and transformation,pdf,200b attach_img anjika 2019-6-13 11293 馅饼 2019-6-13 08:02


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