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[教育] 现代教育技术-11666689+清晰PDG+100B attachment 大神 2012-11-27 11165 老呆 2012-11-27 12:08
[教育] 【help】+Building a Validity Argument for a Listening Test + 200币 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-8-16 11150 hwcai 2018-8-16 16:56
[教育] [HELP] 10月第2本+Songs of Trees+100B+非原版PDF attach_img elegantcoin 2017-10-24 41147 onkey 2017-12-23 00:16
[教育] 6月4本+Policy and Politics in Teacher Education+200金币+pdf +long attach_img haojing 2018-6-13 01129 haojing 2018-6-13 11:44
[教育] 【应助】批判性思维:论证逻辑视角,pdf,100b,永久 attach_img agree 馅饼 2015-3-12 31121 zxwy77 2022-2-2 21:05
[教育] 中国香港数学奥林匹克及联盟杯数学竞赛+PDF+50+永久 attach_img agree ssj0 2013-1-21 01111 ssj0 2013-1-21 16:48
[教育] 【应助】+Critical Pedagogy for Early Childhood and Element+200+pdf+永久 attachment yyl87 2018-12-21 01103 yyl87 2018-12-21 14:24
[教育] 5月第2本+Legume Based Fermented Foods+PDF+180金币 attach_img 伤不起2010 2018-5-20 11097 niceguy 2018-5-20 19:56
[教育] [help]+International Handbook of School Effectiveness +300金币+pdf attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-9-29 01097 meiyounicheng 2018-9-29 22:49
[教育] 基础马来西亚语 第一册+PDF+50+永久 attach_img agree ssj0 2013-1-21 01095 ssj0 2013-1-21 23:03
[教育] 【高难应助】剑桥医学英语+PDF+200B+永久 attach_img agree ucdavis 2016-10-6 21090 zxwy77 2022-2-2 21:03
[教育] 【应助】Knowledge and the Future of the Curriculum+PDF+200b+long attach_img qingbuyujie 2018-2-3 11089 yezi001 2018-2-3 15:18
[教育] The Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img agree halleris 2013-1-25 01082 halleris 2013-1-25 22:56
[教育] 【help】+EBL+Classroom Assessment+200金币+pdf attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-10-7 01079 meiyounicheng 2018-10-7 10:11
[教育] [应助]Teacher Training and Professional Development of Chinese English +100BB attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-31 01063 meiyounicheng 2018-3-31 17:47
[教育] Beginning Research : A Guide for Foundation Degree Students+pdf+1BB+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 31061 dspasm 2013-5-7 07:07
[教育] 12月第1本+The Reviewer's Guide to Quantitative Methods+pdf+300BB attach_img 伤不起2010 2018-12-12 31056 jjxytc 2018-12-12 09:06
[教育] 3月3本+EBL+Funds of Knowledge+200金币+pdf attach_img ak47 2018-3-12 11054 yezi001 2018-3-12 10:43
[教育] [应助] 计算机网络:原理、技术与应用+pdf+50B+永久有效 attach_img mfy520520 2013-2-6 01053 mfy520520 2011-2-7 09:16
[教育] [应助]Vocabulary Myths:Applying Second Language Research+100BB+PDF attach_img agree Ferrari 2014-12-1 41049 北溟鱼 2014-12-13 20:44
[教育] [书籍互助] 3月第1,Local History in England,pdf,100b attach_img 伤不起2010 2018-3-3 11041 馅饼 2018-3-3 19:21
[教育] 【应助】 6月第1本+ 科技英语写作 +PDF/pdg +100 BB+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-6-11 11039 北溟鱼 2013-12-22 14:01
[教育] [HELP] Next-generation Sequencing+100BB+pdf attach_img agree Zeus 2014-2-7 61038 yoki 2015-11-23 16:34
[教育] 【应助】Applied Studies towards a Sociology of Language+PDF+300+Long attach_img gyrowheel 2018-8-3 11035 yezi001 2018-8-4 22:55
[教育] 全国大学生数学建模竞赛赛题与优秀论文评析 2005年-2011年B题 attachment agree blackhawk 2013-6-20 21029 sailor 2013-6-20 21:46
[教育] 【help】Ebary+4月3本+Education Policy Research+100金币+longterm attach_img agree Kim 2016-4-16 41029 changle 2016-4-17 23:21
[教育] 【应助】Global Perspectives on Language Education Policies+ pdf+100 attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-2-27 01029 meiyounicheng 2018-2-27 07:42
[教育] 应助+International Handbook of School Effectiveness and Improvement+300bb+PDF attach_img Heidelberg 2018-9-29 01027 Heidelberg 2018-9-29 11:53
[教育] 英语听力教程+20+PDG+永久 attach_img agree ssj0 2013-1-21 01011 ssj0 2013-1-21 23:41
[教育] 【应助】Translation as Intercultural Communication +50+pdf+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-5-7 21003 qwert1 2013-5-8 07:20
[教育] A PhD Is Not Enough revised esition +pdf+50+永久有效 attach_img agree small 2012-11-27 21002 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:36
[教育] 2月1本+EBL+Why Knowledge Matters+200币+pdf [ attach_img 伤不起2010 2018-2-4 11002 yezi001 2018-2-4 15:32
[教育] 【应助】+Leading and Managing Schools+200金币+pdf attach_img meiyounicheng 2018-3-22 01001 meiyounicheng 2018-3-22 15:09
[教育] 12月第一本+Britain's Hoverflies A Field Guide+清晰PDF+100B attach_img 伤不起2010 2017-12-12 1991 women 2017-12-12 15:01
[教育] 基础马来西亚语 第2册 +PDG+20+永久 attach_img agree ssj0 2013-1-21 0986 ssj0 2013-1-21 23:13
[教育] 3月第5本+EBL+Democratic Curriculum Leadership attach_img ak47 2018-3-28 0980 ak47 2018-3-28 11:17
[教育] 11月第1本+The Political Economy of Regionalism+pdf+200金币 attach_img 伤不起2010 2017-11-2 1972 lijing 2017-11-3 09:33
[教育] 【应助】EBL+International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and+300金.. attach_img meiyounicheng 2017-9-9 0965 meiyounicheng 2017-9-9 06:52
[教育] 【应助】Conflict, arousal, and curiosity+PDF+50币+永久 attach_img agree lo7ve77 2013-4-7 1964 psycho 2013-10-31 10:23
[教育] [help]5月第2本+Educational Measurement: From Foundations to Future+PDF+260币 attach_img agree Kim 2016-5-2 3960 asghar 2016-5-16 17:52


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