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[工学] 应助+纳米尺度润滑理论及应用 + PDF + 50BB +30天 attach_img agree 德川家康 2013-5-4 0778 德川家康 2013-5-4 00:48
[历史] 【应助】Public Health in the British Empire+pdf+50b attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-5-3 1789 馅饼 2013-5-3 20:42
[医学] ESSENTIAL CELL BIOLOGY-third edition - [售价 50 速递币] attach_img agree wuhaofei100 2013-1-1 41158 dspasm 2013-5-3 19:55
[工学] 【应助】复合材料断裂复变方法 + PDF +50BB+永久 attach_img agree ljrlove2008 2013-5-3 1985 xianjiaoda 2013-5-3 17:08
[理学] 张量分析+PDF+ 免费 + 永久 agree bkdzxl 2013-4-3 5928 demigod 2013-5-3 12:13
[理学] Handbook of Optics (vol 4)+pdf+50sdb+永久 attachment agree demigod 2013-5-3 0696 demigod 2013-5-3 12:07
[理学] Handbook of Optics( vol. 3)+pdf+50sdb+永久 attachment agree demigod 2013-5-3 0808 demigod 2013-5-3 12:03
[理学] Handbook of optics (vol 2)+pdf+50sdb+永久 attachment agree demigod 2013-5-3 0700 demigod 2013-5-3 11:58
[理学] handbook of optics(vol 1)+pdf+50sb+永久 attachment agree demigod 2013-5-3 0730 demigod 2013-5-3 09:38
[历史] Selected Subaltern Studies + 50 + PDF attachment travis 2013-5-2 0636 travis 2013-5-2 23:55
[其他] 【应助】A New Target Detector Based on Geometrical Perturbati+PDF+50b attach_img agree aliieeee 2013-5-2 1810 dspasm 2013-5-2 17:36
[医学] 【应助】Kaplan Sadock's pocket handbook of psychiatric...... 5th ed+ Htm... attach_img yyl87 2013-5-2 41036 flyingowl 2013-5-2 13:20
[理学] 【应助】Springer+Stochastic Modeling of Microstructures+pdf+50bb+长期 attach_img agree yyl87 2013-5-2 1968 flyingowl 2013-5-2 13:19
[历史] The Hero In History + 50 + PDF attachment agree travis 2013-5-1 0718 travis 2013-5-1 22:39
[工学] 【应助】Chemometrics in Spectroscopy+pdf+50B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-5-1 1848 pkuma 2013-5-1 21:00
[其他] 【应助】Modeling of Material Damage and Failure of Structures+pdf+50b attach_img agree aliieeee 2013-5-1 31196 aliieeee 2013-5-1 17:12
[工学] 【应助】Radar Scattering from Modulated Wind Waves+PDF+50币+永久有效 attach_img agree wwjjdd 2013-4-25 1795 dspasm 2013-5-1 15:30
[理学] 【应助】现代有机合成试剂:性质、制备和反应+50b+pdf+长... attach_img agree wwjjdd 2013-5-1 0922 wwjjdd 2013-5-1 14:57
[医学] 应助+Acupuncture, Expertise and Cross-Cultural Medicine +50BB attachment agree deepsee 2013-5-1 0774 yaoji3713 2013-5-1 10:39
[历史] The Extremist Challenge: 新人帖 - [售价 50 速递币] travis 2013-5-1 2920 travis 2013-5-1 10:38
[其他] 【应助】Statistical Design – Chemometrics+pdf+50B attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-4-30 2939 yanghai811228 2013-4-30 22:09
[历史] 【应助】Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World+pdf+50b attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-4-30 0703 yanghai811228 2013-4-30 21:36
[工学] 【应助】Methods of Signal Processing for Adaptive Antenna Arrays+pdf+50b attach_img agree wwjjdd 2013-4-30 0766 wwjjdd 2013-4-30 15:33
[其他] [应助] Empire and International Order+pdf+50b+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-4-12 2797 genderstory 2013-4-30 14:53
[其他] [应助] Cores, Peripheries and Globalization+pdf+50b +永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-4-24 3830 genderstory 2013-4-30 14:29
[医学] 应助+Clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience +清晰PDF+100BB attachment agree deepsee 2013-4-30 1940 eli.123 2013-4-30 13:03
[工学] 【应助】Adhesive Bonding: Science, Technology And Applications+pdf+50b attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-4-30 0774 yanghai811228 2013-4-30 10:39
[工学] 【应助】Reliability-based Structural Design+pdf+50b attach_img agree yyl87 2013-4-30 0855 yyl87 2013-4-30 00:33
[工学] 【应助】Statistics and chemometrics for analytical chemistry+pdf+50B+永久 attach_img agree ljrlove2008 2013-4-29 51008 ljrlove2008 2013-4-29 23:36
[其他] 【应助】Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints+pdf+50b attach_img agree yanghai811228 2013-4-29 1794 dajia123 2013-4-29 21:35
[理学] Dynamic Stereochemistry of Chiral Compounds+pdf+0B+永久 attach_img halleris 2013-4-29 0497 halleris 2013-4-29 20:26
[历史] [Help] Clio Wired : The Future of the Past in the Digital Age + PDF + 50 B attach_img agree eli.123 2013-4-29 1836 馅饼 2013-4-29 17:08
[其他] Statistics Explained : A Guide for Social Science Students, 2nd...+pdf+1+永久 attach_img agree flyingowl 2013-1-29 4860 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:40
[工学] Artificial Photosynthesis+50币+PDF+永久 attach_img agree 老呆 2013-1-11 3916 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:37
[教育] A PhD Is Not Enough revised esition +pdf+50+永久有效 attach_img agree small 2012-11-27 2968 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:36
[理学] 【活动】时间简史+pdf+30+永久有效 - [售价 20 速递币] attach_img agree whlxy888 2012-12-10 3845 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:36
[工学] 【应助】小波有限元理论及其工程应用+pdf+50B agree weiyd741030 2012-12-31 6953 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:35
[理学] 【应助】Geodesy Beyond 2000+pdf+50B+永久有效 attachment agree demigod 2013-4-29 3930 qwert1 2013-4-29 15:34
[医学] [应助]ATLAS OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY+pdf+50币+永久 attach_img flyingowl 2013-4-28 3977 mikel 2013-4-29 14:23
[理学] 【应助】Geodesy Beyond 2000+pdf+50B+永久 - [阅读权限 10] - [售价 50 速递币] demigod 2013-4-29 1451 flyingowl 2013-4-29 10:14


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