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作者 回复/查看 最后发表
Lynn University agree  ...2 Zeus 2013-10-23 372144 joaquinhdz 2018-3-15 08:50
EBSCO 美國密歇根大學 agree  ...2 Zeus 2013-10-31 401621 vip 2015-1-15 00:09
百枚ingenta密码等你来 (免费) 新人帖 agree  ...23 parabamabolics 2015-7-3 602449 saeed 2016-7-25 13:48
um.edu.my agree  ...2 xiaoxiao 2012-9-24 352552 本拉登 2013-10-5 19:44
【迎国庆】library.rvc.cc.il.us agree  ...2 tansuodangzhong 2013-9-26 352315 abada 2018-1-26 22:52
cuny.edu agree  ...2 ljrlove2008 2013-6-18 371451 qwer8991 2013-10-9 16:02
【喜迎毕业季】mun.ca agree  ...2 ljrlove2008 2013-6-20 331473 hatef1250 2013-10-5 04:16
fhda.edu agree  ...2 shxfdxg 2015-6-5 331359 majia_jiama 2016-5-15 05:30
taylors.edu.my agree  ...2 xiaoxiao 2012-9-26 312365 qqddwwyy 2013-9-24 16:37
City Colleges of Chicago EZ agree  ...2 eagle360 2013-3-9 321485 sunyaoyu 2013-6-4 11:16
【喜迎端午、毕业季】【代info发】fhda.edu agree  ...2 ljrlove2008 2013-6-10 311414 cheolgyuh 2013-10-17 00:57
dvc.edu EZ  ...2 umich 2014-3-5 321446 piglewd 2016-7-9 10:17
免费资源 roanestate.edu agree  ...2 xiaoxiao 2012-10-7 301696 changle 2016-5-15 00:59
【庆论坛满月,资源大放送】library.gbcnv.edu 新号 agree tansuodangzhong 2012-10-24 291228 radpranav 2013-11-22 13:44
ezproxy.parkland.edu另一新号 agree  ...2 tansuodangzhong 2012-11-2 301678 qingbuyujie 2016-5-4 20:17
【光棍节资源大放送】【密1】南京农业大学VPN agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-11 281202 cheolgyuh 2013-10-13 09:52
免费资源 hawaii.edu EZ - [阅读权限 10] xiaoxiao 2012-10-16 2984 aliieeee 2013-1-25 09:20
【庆论坛满月 牛校放送】ubc.ca EZ【密3】出售为便于统计 agree Heidelberg 2012-10-24 261772 belco 2013-7-18 08:43
【光棍节资源大放送】ezproxy.parkland.edu agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-11 291208 gengyh2008 2013-1-23 00:28
【庆论坛满月,资源大放送】ezproxy.parkland.edu新号 agree tansuodangzhong 2012-10-24 27819 shixiwu 2013-11-22 13:42
【庆论坛满月 牛校放送】abdn.ac.uk MD+EZ+webVPN【密5】 agree Heidelberg 2012-10-24 251129 joaquinhdz 2013-10-11 02:54
【庆论坛满月 牛校放送】herts.ac.uk uhVPN【密3】出售为了统计 agree Heidelberg 2012-10-25 271371 shixiwu 2014-1-1 23:45
知网新入口,搜索无重复 - [阅读权限 10] agree  ...2 tansuodangzhong 2012-11-24 3061 ^_^ 2013-7-9 15:10
ingentaconnect资源CERN账号密码一枚 agree wangbingxhy 2012-11-1 291968 浪淘沙 2015-12-21 10:17
Arkansas university agree aliieeee 2013-2-21 281746 kuyuepo 2013-6-3 16:25
ocu.edu.tw agree ljrlove2008 2013-7-30 261063 qwer8991 2013-10-9 15:53
nature agree Zeus 2013-10-28 27969 晓说 2014-8-21 11:11
sclqld.org.au agree wangbingxhy 2012-10-19 241102 tyttang 2016-7-13 01:25
中南财经政法大学VPN - [阅读权限 10] agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-1 2680 mfy520520 2013-1-24 20:49
【EZ】twu.edu【密1-售0】 agree expaper 2013-6-27 261202 changle 2016-5-31 19:48
【四周年站庆】 Wiley漫游账号【首尔大学】 agree meiyounicheng 2016-9-26 251424 romula 2018-1-30 21:02
alle.edu-EZ agree tansuodangzhong 2012-10-8 25973 honx 2013-2-20 20:52
中国知识资源总库——CNKI 系列数据库 agree tansuodangzhong 2012-10-10 26817 vicky 2012-11-10 15:54
【庆论坛满月 牛校放送】cam.ac.uk EZ+proxy【密3】出售为便统计 agree Heidelberg 2012-10-24 211112 joaquinhdz 2013-10-11 02:53
【庆论坛满月 牛校放送】washington.edu VPN【密3】出售为了统计 - [售价 5 速递币] agree Heidelberg 2012-10-25 241362 small 2013-1-26 20:38
stfrancis.edu EZ agree ras 2012-11-4 251084 piggyandpiggy 2013-5-3 17:09
cnki入口一枚 - [阅读权限 10] agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-5 2578 xwq2009v 2013-1-22 09:20
【迎端午】wsu.edu【EZ-密5】 agree expaper 2013-6-7 221231 zhanglr 2015-9-10 09:09
austinlibrary图书馆新账号 agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-15 241967 zxq0923 2013-1-12 20:05
SPRINGERLINK- OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY agree rajeev 2014-3-27 241224 drsmartf 2016-9-11 10:08


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