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[国外资源] ebsco COLUMBIA INTL UNIV heatlevel changExp 2018-3-12 242394 qq2010 2021-2-23 19:54
[国外资源] Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana - [售价 20 速递币] agree Bruel 2015-7-8 61346 jujail 2021-2-19 15:22
[国外资源] SABINET - [售价 25 速递币] agree rajeev 2015-12-10 21157 likefish 2021-2-10 07:09
[国外资源] watc.edu [EZ] - [售价 3 速递币] agree merlin 2015-8-7 91874 liquidtension 2021-1-11 11:56
[国外资源] University of Malaya *** - [售价 10 速递币] agree Okalo 2014-12-20 51597 liquidtension 2021-1-11 11:55
[国外资源] EZ Northwest Regional Library - [售价 10 速递币] agree rbp123 2014-11-3 41681 liquidtension 2020-12-31 08:44
[国外资源] ezproxy.fhda.edu【密1】 - [阅读权限 10] agree tansuodangzhong 2012-11-27 550 Bruel 2020-12-9 09:56
[国外资源] uwl.ac.uk - [售价 8 速递币] agree t48904 2018-11-10 11254 sample2007007 2020-10-14 12:49
[国外资源] 【免费原创】delval.edu ez heatlevel agree  ...23 本拉登 2014-6-20 778135 sample2007007 2020-10-14 12:37
[国外资源] uwtsd.ac.uk - [售价 5 速递币] t48904 2018-11-11 31265 sample2007007 2020-9-29 19:12
[国外资源] dut.ac.za - [售价 2 速递币] agree t48904 2018-11-10 131835 sample2007007 2020-9-29 19:12
[国外资源] bbk.ac.uk - [售价 5 速递币] agree t48904 2018-11-10 131796 sample2007007 2020-9-29 19:10
[国外资源] McGraw-Hill Medical-The University of British Columbia Library - [售价 20 速递币] agree rbp123 2014-3-16 91681 sample2007007 2020-9-18 12:37
[国外资源] JSTOR meiyounicheng 2017-9-23 171906 thesea 2020-9-2 19:48
[国外资源] proquest password [密1] heatlevel agree xiaoxiao 2013-8-1 212086 sample2007007 2020-8-14 19:48
[国外资源] ingentaconnect - [售价 10 速递币] rbp123 2015-1-18 91449 modou 2020-8-13 12:07
[国外资源] GALE (Univ. of California Merced) - [售价 5 速递币] agree joaquinhdz 2015-11-4 51498 jzhmz 2020-7-1 22:36
[国外资源] jstor - [售价 2 速递币] meiyounicheng 2018-7-5 71300 modou 2020-6-10 10:55
[国外资源] JSTOR meiyounicheng 2017-9-23 202064 modou 2020-6-10 10:53
[国外资源] jstor账号 heatlevel agree  ...2 tlbbwlwz 2014-3-14 322979 modou 2020-6-10 10:51
[国外资源] proquest - [售价 10 速递币] rbp123 2015-1-14 21126 jujail 2020-4-29 14:14
[国外资源] 【四周年站庆】EBSCO 【NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY】 agree meiyounicheng 2016-9-25 282247 looselife 2020-3-22 10:49
[国外资源] EBSCOHOST【314,374ebooks】 - [售价 2 速递币] meiyounicheng 2017-9-18 61292 looselife 2020-3-22 10:40
[国外资源] Nottingham大学论文数据库入口 - [阅读权限 10] heatlevel agree  ...2 tansuodangzhong 2012-11-7 59221 亿大洋 2020-3-13 14:54
[国外资源] 【喜迎端午、毕业季】【代info发】macu.edu heatlevel agree  ...2 ljrlove2008 2013-6-9 403663 klizi 2020-2-17 16:13
[国外资源] Emerald Group Publishing - [售价 10 速递币] Okalo 2015-1-27 51222 zxwy77 2020-1-20 10:14
[国外资源] portervillecollege.edu heatlevel agree info 2018-5-17 242189 liquidtension 2020-1-8 05:23
[国外资源] austinlibrary heatlevel agree ljrlove2008 2013-9-3 272274 liquidtension 2020-1-8 04:57
[国外资源] EBSCOhost DATABASES meiyounicheng 2017-9-18 151739 悟空 2020-1-5 16:32
[国外资源] EBSCOhost meiyounicheng 2017-9-18 141401 悟空 2020-1-5 16:31
[国外资源] BMJ-Bibliotheque Faculte Medecine Geneve - [售价 20 速递币] anjika 2014-12-30 31073 悟空 2019-12-16 11:37
[国外资源] Gale - [售价 5 速递币] rbp123 2015-1-14 41299 悟空 2019-12-4 20:19
[国外资源] GALE HOWARD UNIVERSITY - [售价 10 速递币] piyush 2015-1-13 51290 悟空 2019-12-4 20:15
[国外资源] bangaloreuniversity.ac.in [EZ] - [售价 9 速递币] agree merlin 2015-8-16 131329 thesea 2019-12-1 16:21
[国外资源] Proquest - [售价 20 速递币] agree Bruel 2016-6-3 61387 悟空 2019-11-29 12:29
[已售完] [国外资源] proquest-Coventry University Library - [售价 10 速递币] agree rbp123 2015-2-25 131776 悟空 2019-11-29 12:21
[国外资源] dialog.proquest.com 数据库 (8) - [售价 2 速递币] meiyounicheng 2017-9-23 21073 悟空 2019-11-29 12:20
[国外资源] ProQuest Dissertations & Theses - Gardner-Webb University - [售价 10 速递币] agree neo2016 2016-2-20 91336 悟空 2019-11-29 11:43
[国外资源] Proquest [dikti.go.id] - [售价 21 速递币] Okalo 2015-1-27 2973 悟空 2019-11-29 11:41
[国外资源] ProQuest LLC. - [售价 10 速递币] Okalo 2015-1-2 21072 悟空 2019-11-29 11:40


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