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[成功] 博士论文:丙烯酸-丙烯酰胺共聚纤维及其吸水性能研究 - [已解决] agree nhlile 2014-3-5 3545 gyrowheel 2014-3-5 14:20
[成功] 秸秆沼气厌氧发酵的预处理工艺优化及经济实用性分析 - [已解决] agree 周丹丹1024 2014-3-5 2898 wux1 2014-3-5 08:13
[成功] 混合原料厌氧发酵工艺的响应面优化研究 - [已解决] agree 周丹丹1024 2014-3-5 2592 wux1 2014-3-5 08:09
[成功] 卵巢癌患者化疗期间症状群、生活质量的纵向研究 - [已解决] disagree jotali 2014-3-4 2727 lible 2014-3-4 19:53
[成功] Scavenging the two-stroke engine - [已解决] agree waltre 2014-3-1 2591 Kimsouill 2014-3-1 15:53
[成功] Numerical and experimental investigation of the scavenging flow in a novel tw - [已解决] agree waltre 2014-3-1 2596 波罗的海 2014-3-1 13:59
[成功] An investigation of factors influencing teachers' use of computer-based techn... - [已解决] xin905486743 2014-2-27 21511 wwjjdd 2014-2-27 17:58
[成功] Examination of factors that influence computer technology use for classroom i... - [已解决] agree xin905486743 2014-2-27 2534 gyrowheel 2014-2-27 17:24
[成功] Factors that affect information technology adoption by teachers - [已解决] agree xin905486743 2014-2-27 2502 gyrowheel 2014-2-27 17:11
[成功] Teachers' Perceptions of Factors Associated with Technology Integration - [已解决] agree xin905486743 2014-2-27 2624 gyrowheel 2014-2-27 16:57
[成功] 血浆corin与原发性高血压及左室肥厚的相关性及培哚普利 - [已解决] disagree 多可可 2014-2-27 2562 wwjjdd 2014-2-27 11:51
[成功] Defects in Uranium Dioxide From First Principles and Interatomic Potent... - [已解决] agree xianjiaoda 2014-2-21 2597 wwjjdd 2014-2-21 12:28
[成功] 有机羧酸和含氮配体构筑的MOFs合成与结构表征 - [已解决] agree 科研虫虫 2014-2-18 2642 myyounger 2014-2-18 22:41
[成功] 硅中shuffle型60°位错演化的分子模拟 - [已解决] agree xianjiaoda 2014-2-12 4659 gyrowheel 2014-2-12 19:57
[成功] 小尺度效应下碳纳米管的动态稳定性研究 - [已解决] agree xianjiaoda 2014-2-12 2613 gyrowheel 2014-2-12 19:46
[成功] 尺度效应和范德华力对多壁碳纳米管临界屈曲的影响 - [已解决] agree xianjiaoda 2014-2-12 2593 gyrowheel 2014-2-12 19:38
[成功] 涂层复合材料力学性能研究及界面强度有限元分析 - [已解决] xianjiaoda 2014-2-10 5642 blackhawk 2014-2-12 17:39
[成功] 考虑界面相的复合材料宏—细观渐进损伤解析模型研究 - [已解决] xianjiaoda 2014-2-10 2617 wwjjdd 2014-2-10 18:37
[成功] 正交各向异性材料中夹杂的演化及夹杂 - [已解决] xianjiaoda 2014-2-10 21364 wwjjdd 2014-2-10 18:35
[成功] From Repression to Freedom—Interpretation of Kingsley Amis’ - [已解决] agree eli.123 2014-2-4 4651 gyrowheel 2014-2-9 16:35
[成功] Modeling of viscoelasticity and damage in composite laminates - [已解决] xianjiaoda 2014-2-9 3494 wwjjdd 2014-2-9 16:31
[成功] First Principles Studies of ABO3 Perovskite Surfaces and Nanostructures - [已解决] xianjiaoda 2014-2-9 2614 wwjjdd 2014-2-9 16:22
[成功] Nonequilibrium thermodynamic models for the dynamic behavior of polycrystalli - [已解决] disagree xianjiaoda 2014-2-9 2618 gyrowheel 2014-2-9 16:21
[成功] Shake table tests and analytical studies of reinforced and post-tensioned con... - [已解决] 212室长 2014-1-22 4691 lo7ve77 2014-1-22 11:55
[成功] Influence of ground motion characteristics and structural parameters on seism... - [已解决] agree langxuzeng 2014-1-17 5806 langxuzeng 2014-1-17 23:35
[成功] Generalized SDOF system for dynamic analysis of concrete rectangular liquid s... - [已解决] agree langxuzeng 2014-1-17 2566 eli.123 2014-1-17 20:45
[成功] Thin film NiTi in MEMS valve and membrane wrinkling control - [已解决] zhulckysdshsf 2014-1-3 2627 gyrowheel 2014-1-3 00:30
[成功] Silica Aerogel-polymer Nanocomposites and New Nanoparticle Syntheses - [已解决] 咖喱VS土豆 2014-1-2 6827 咖喱VS土豆 2014-1-2 12:50
[成功] 4-HBA诱导内源性保护因子Prdx6、PDI抗脑缺血再灌注氧化应激... - [悬赏 10 速递币] disagree [认领应助] cathy916 2013-12-30 3675 blackhawk 2013-12-30 17:23
[成功] 输电线路动态容量系统应用分析及其风险评估方法 - [已解决] cashion 2013-12-9 5698 blackhawk 2013-12-10 08:44
[成功] 转基因絮凝斜生栅藻的构建和自絮凝斜生栅藻细胞絮凝的... - [悬赏 10 速递币] disagree [认领应助] 研究石头 2013-12-6 5889 smart505 2013-12-6 23:28
[成功] 利用市政污水培育产油斜生栅藻的研究 - [已解决] disagree 研究石头 2013-12-6 2550 smart505 2013-12-6 21:41
[成功] 城市污水培养高脂肪二形栅藻的研究 - [已解决] disagree 研究石头 2013-12-6 2679 gyrowheel 2013-12-6 21:27
[成功] 水源水中藻类监测及水质变化原因分析 - [已解决] disagree 研究石头 2013-12-3 7675 bobinson 2013-12-3 20:10
[成功] 辛伐他汀对兔蛛网膜下腔出血后迟发性脑血管痉挛及脑干Ak... 新人帖 - [已解决] myyounger 2013-12-1 81199 bobinson 2013-12-1 18:25
[成功] 铜对金鱼毒性影响的研究 - [已解决] pkuma 2013-11-29 7801 blackhawk 2013-11-30 07:57
[成功] 金鱼免疫和内分泌器官组织学与免疫细胞化学研究 - [已解决] pkuma 2013-11-29 2687 gyrowheel 2013-11-29 15:06
[成功] 探討土地利用型態對珠江口沿岸地區氣象模擬的影響:高... - [已解决] disagree testa 2013-11-29 3600 gyrowheel 2013-11-29 14:25
[成功] Electrodeposition of Semiconductor Materials and Their Morphology Control By ... - [已解决] chemometric 2013-6-20 5992 gyrowheel 2013-11-27 13:20
[成功] 天然金鸡纳生物碱催化的4-取代-5-吡唑啉酮 - [已解决] disagree xuefuzhao 2013-11-21 3670 xuefuzhao 2013-11-21 22:32


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