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[成功] Multivariate Pattern Recognition in Chemometrics: Illustrated by Case Studies... pkuma 2013-4-18 5879 flyingowl 2013-4-22 11:16
[成功] February 1st+Research Handbook on International Energy Law + PDF + 300B eli.123 2015-2-26 19879 dtmagp 2015-2-27 20:11
[成功] 11月第二本+Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture, Volume 47+PDF+300bb looselife 2014-11-12 9878 looselife 2014-11-13 23:37
[成功] 本月第2本+中国通史 下 增订本+清晰pdg+400币 smile2012 2015-11-27 5878 smile2012 2015-12-1 21:37
[成功] The Great Sea+pdf+60币 馅饼 2013-2-6 5876 sxyz13 2013-2-7 04:53
[公告] 【庆端午】文献区求助免费,应助双倍奖励 - 结束 agree ucdavis 2013-6-9 1876 bobinson 2013-6-15 08:44
[成功] 2月第1本Foucault with Marx +200+pdf ak47 2017-2-4 2876 liwusheng 2017-2-5 21:33
Clinical neuroanatomy and neuroscience, Sixth Edition 100 B disagree eli.123 2013-4-29 15875 eli.123 2013-4-30 13:04
[成功] 8月第一本The Mathematical Structure of the Human Sleep-Wake Cycle+PDF+200币 jpzhao1988 2013-8-22 8875 jpzhao1988 2013-8-22 13:00
[成功] ScienceDirect-Vaccines for Biodefense and Emerging +100币+PDF attach_img wuhaofei100 2013-1-4 6874 wuhaofei100 2013-1-5 09:41
[成功] 11月第1本+能源管理体系的建立与实施+pdf+500B xiaoxiao 2013-11-20 5874 xiaoxiao 2013-11-21 09:58
[成功] 【章节求助】1月第1本+Chapter 16 - Glutathione Peroxidase+PDF+60BB 505378380 2014-1-23 10872 505378380 2014-1-23 22:03
[成功] 10月第1本+Global Perspectives on Risk Management and Accounting+PDF+200sdb woxinfeixiang 2016-10-18 5872 woxinfeixiang 2016-10-20 10:39
[成功] Polymeric Foams Mechanisms and Materials (Polymeric Foams Series)+PDF+70B laputa 2012-12-6 3871 laputa 2012-12-7 11:07
[成功] 9月第二本+Lecture Notes on Equilibrium Point Defects and +pdf+100BB djz 2014-9-15 4871 yqp1976 2014-9-16 13:12
[成功] Metal Cutting Principles+pdf+50SDB scx 2013-2-10 3870 flyingowl 2013-2-12 00:08
[成功] Shameful Flight : The Last Years of the British Empire in India +PDF+50B+永久 jinxl 2013-3-25 3870 flyingowl 2013-3-25 15:21
[求助] 12月第1本+Handbook of Reagents for Organic Synthesis+PDF+300币 vidic 2015-12-29 2870 yqp1976 2015-12-29 01:28
[成功] Membrane Technology and Applications+pdf+50BB wsw0412 2013-2-4 5869 flyingowl 2013-2-4 23:43
[成功] Springer+Stochastic Modeling of Microstructures+pdf+50+今天第一本 一斤不醉 2013-5-2 2869 yyl87 2013-5-2 00:45
[成功] 【章节求助】12月第7本+Renewable Energy Sources + PDF + 50 attachment lionisxn 2013-12-10 8869 bobinson 2013-12-10 14:43
[成功] 10月第一本:Near-infrared Nanomaterials+200bb+pdf なつめたかし 2016-10-18 2869 gyrowheel 2016-10-19 01:18
[成功] 感谢+belcoModeling and Simulation for Material Selection and Mechanical Desi xianjiaoda 2012-12-21 3868 lsysxh 2012-12-21 16:17
[成功] Membrane technology in the chemical industry+pdf+50BB wsw0412 2013-2-4 8868 flyingowl 2013-2-4 23:46
[成功] 【2月第1本】Transient Well Testing+清晰可编辑PDF+300速递币 yws2010 2014-2-16 9868 Kimsouill 2014-2-16 21:49
[成功] 5月第9本,Sales Force Management : 11th Edition,pdf,200b fieri 2014-5-16 14868 fieri 2014-5-16 22:49
[成功] 9月第1本+Material Instabilities in Elastic and Plastic Solids+PDF+100bb disagree xianjiaoda 2014-9-2 10868 dtmagp 2014-9-2 14:04
悬赏 [成功] Monaural source separation in underground spaces via non‐negative and compl... - [已解决] genghis 2015-5-11 9868 wmy1812 2015-5-13 14:53
[成功] 7月第1本+章节+Spatial Separation of Reaction Sites on Rutile+PDF+50币 attachment agree nhlile 2013-7-3 12867 yyl87 2013-7-3 20:35
[成功] Using Mass Spectrometry for Drug Metabolism Studies+pdf+50B pkuma 2013-4-2 7866 科研虫虫 2013-4-2 09:39
[成功] Conflict, arousal, and curiosity + pdf +50SDB scx 2013-4-7 2865 lo7ve77 2013-4-7 15:14
[成功] 感谢德川家康 +纳米结构薄膜与涂层 力学性能+pdf+100bb xianjiaoda 2013-4-19 6864 德川家康 2013-4-19 23:52
[成功] 4月第2本+How to do Linguistics with R+PDF +200币 ahaqwg 2016-4-19 3864 ahaqwg 2016-4-19 17:26
[成功] 【The Princes of India in the Endgame of Empire】+【pdf】+【60币】 jinxl 2013-1-8 4863 yyl87 2013-1-8 21:35
[成功] 读秀+法律社会学,第二版+PDF+50速递币 bsrbr 2013-5-8 6863 德川家康 2013-5-8 22:51
[成功] 9月第2本,How to Build Social Science Theories,pdf,100b 馅饼 2013-9-8 6862 馅饼 2014-8-30 07:54
[成功] 6月第2本+中国现代国家的起源+pdf+100BB gengyh2008 2014-6-9 6862 ucdavis 2014-8-8 20:59
[成功] 大学生KAB创业基础 试用本 教师用书+清晰PDF+50B ucdavis 2013-3-8 3860 ucdavis 2013-3-8 23:03
[成功] 11月第3本 Reconstructing American Legal Realism.....+100BB+pdf yanghai811228 2013-11-23 6860 lo7ve77 2013-11-26 22:27
[成功] 12月第四本+Introduction to Veterinary Genetics (3rd Edition)+100金币+PDF 堕落灬鬼少 2013-12-7 3860 fenglin520 2013-12-7 12:06


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