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5月第1本+field guide to lens designn+PDF +100币 atb 2015-5-22 6424 liwusheng 2015-5-22 11:22
[成功] 3/6, The Cambridge World History Volume 7-1,pdf,260b 馅饼 2015-6-25 6796 eli.123 2015-6-25 14:04
[成功] 7月第一本+Redefining Literary Semiotics +100BB+pdf liwusheng 2015-7-6 6717 Zeus 2015-7-6 22:04
7月第1本+量化投资分析+pdf+300BB Anthea14 2015-7-11 6639 coolsun 2016-4-13 11:22
9月第1本+Flavins and Flavoproteins Methods and Protocols+PDF+200币 龙琳 2015-9-11 6407 yqp1976 2015-9-11 21:48
10月第一本+病理学基础与实验技术+PDF+100币 zxj2006 2015-10-8 6404 liwusheng 2015-10-8 16:35
[成功] 本月第2本+Neuro-Oncology: The Essentials+300币+pdf smile2012 2015-10-11 6755 eli.123 2015-10-11 23:32
10月第1本+Biopharmaceutical Characterization+ pdf+200BB shinexzl 2015-10-28 6499 liwusheng 2015-10-28 11:10
11月第1本+Introducing Mathematics: A Graphic Guide+pdf+100币 genghis 2015-11-1 6498 utoronto 2015-11-1 12:00
[成功] 11月第一本+新编国家中成药+PDF+1000BB kjl909 2015-11-16 6648 kjl909 2015-11-17 09:19
10月第3本+Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming: Advanced Modeling +PDF+200币 一斤不醉 2015-11-18 6423 答非所问 2015-11-18 13:37
[成功] 12月第5本+Dietary Fiber, Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and...+PDF+100金币 exebooks 2015-12-3 6945 Kim 2015-12-3 16:29
1月1本+地下工程安全评价+200sbb+pdf yyl87 2016-1-7 6729 ucdavis 2016-8-26 18:14
[成功] 3月第一本+Physical and Biophysical Foundations of Pharmacy Practice+300b attach_img liangniao1122 2016-3-2 6849 忧客 2016-3-2 15:43
[成功] 3月第1本+岩背景抗剪强度参图+PDF +200币 Analytical 2016-3-10 6779 Kim 2016-3-11 13:04
[成功] 4月第1本+Current Therapy In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery+400币+PDF bladelucas 2016-4-6 6737 gyrowheel 2016-4-6 23:07
[成功] 四月+第一本+I International Symposium on Pyrethrum...+PDF+100币 natureking 2016-4-21 6830 gyrowheel 2016-4-21 13:11
May 1st, Manual of Canine and Feline Cardiology + pdf + 500B eli.123 2016-5-4 6554 Kim 2016-5-5 22:59
5月第1本+Indigenous Language Revitalization in the Americas+PDF +100币 ahaqwg 2016-5-15 6615 changle 2016-5-15 22:16
6月第2本+Chemistry of the solid-water interface+pdf+200币 weidaoshigys 2016-6-19 6667 lben85 2016-6-19 22:49
7月第1本+矿物资源加工技术与设备+pdf+200币 disagree weidaoshigys 2016-7-19 6569 なつめたかし 2016-7-19 15:56
[成功] 10月第1本+Ebrary+government offcial+200B+PDF jamesnk 2016-10-17 6982 liwusheng 2016-10-18 11:55
11月第1本Ebrary+Positive Psychology in SLA+PDF+200bb woxinfeixiang 2016-11-28 6721 伤不起2010 2016-11-29 02:31
8月第1本+全球通史(上下)(第7版)(英文影印版)+PDF+400币 mark3344 2017-8-17 6722 tongyikent 2017-8-17 23:19
[成功] Modular Architecture of Grammar+ 10币 + PDF + 10月第1本 新人帖 lfmay 2012-10-5 51124 老呆 2012-10-5 22:38
[成功] COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS PROCEEDINGS OF ISCM 2007,JULY 30-AUGUST 1 +10金币... attachment 谢贵重 2012-10-7 5927 谢贵重 2012-10-17 19:27
[成功] 英汉国际贸易与航运缩略语词典+10币+PDF+10月第1本 新人帖 asni 2012-10-9 5927 expaper 2012-10-18 08:10
[成功] 【版主福利】感谢asni+Dissertation Writing in Practice+PDF+100币 lfmay 2012-10-20 51055 asni 2012-10-20 16:18
[成功] Principles and Applications of Lithium Secondary Batteries + pdf + 60 agree zhuhit 2012-11-29 53650 libpursuer 2014-8-26 16:11
[成功] 酶制剂工艺学+50币+PDF attach_img 凉亭心语 2012-12-28 5975 flyingowl 2013-1-1 23:32
[成功] Wide-Band Slow-Wave Systems: Simulation and Applications+PDF+50B yjvs 2013-1-7 51107 科研虫虫 2013-1-8 16:02
[成功] Essentials of Computational Electromagnetics + PDF + 50B disagree yjvs 2013-1-22 5934 belco 2013-1-22 09:53
[成功] Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance+ PDF+50bb abcbanana 2013-1-22 5837 yanghai811228 2013-1-22 18:33
[成功] Colossal Magnetoresistance and Phase Separat in Magnetic Semiconductor+pdf+50B xiaqs 2013-1-23 5893 科研虫虫 2013-1-24 00:43
[成功] Membrane Technology and Applications+pdf+50BB wsw0412 2013-2-4 5869 flyingowl 2013-2-4 23:43
[成功] The Great Sea+pdf+60币 馅饼 2013-2-6 5876 sxyz13 2013-2-7 04:53
[成功] Electromagnetism and Interconnections...+pdf+50B+永久 yjvs 2013-2-8 5806 flyingowl 2013-2-8 10:19
[成功] Microwave Bandpass Filters for Wideband Communications_PDF+50B yjvs 2013-2-15 51090 hxji 2013-11-6 14:24
[成功] HFSS antenna design + 50 B eli.123 2013-3-19 5972 eli.123 2013-3-19 16:35
[成功] Milestones in Modern World History+PDF+50B+永久 jinxl 2013-3-22 5986 eli.123 2013-3-22 13:23


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