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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
[成功] 11月第1本+Op Amps for Everyone (Fourth Edition)+PDF +100币 huwei007 2013-11-26 64838 gyrowheel 2013-11-26 15:12
[成功] 2月第一本+Genome Analysis+200BB+pdf dtmagp 2014-2-7 24549 Kimsouill 2014-2-7 22:44
[成功] 3月第1本 fundamentals of statistical signal processing volume iii+5000SDB+PDF xileito 2014-3-24 104446 xileito 2014-3-27 12:45
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[成功] [Introduction to Polymers(Third Edition )]+pdf+50币 yxzhou2001 2013-2-3 83892 yxzhou2001 2013-2-4 17:51
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[成功] Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals + 10币 + PDF + 10月第1本 新人帖 bdy2013 2012-10-15 163437 日月 2014-3-20 10:08
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[成功] An Introduction to Optimization, 3rd Edition+ PDF +50B yjvs 2013-1-23 23108 科研虫虫 2013-1-23 23:22
[成功] 【版主福利】ABAQUS基础入门与案例精通 +清晰PDG+100bb 20020901 2012-10-26 63086 馅饼 2014-6-17 18:19
[成功] 6月第1本+尼康D7100数码单反摄影从入门到精通+PDF+200币 ataoyo 2014-6-16 42918 tibetnut 2014-9-18 10:05
[成功] 嵌入式Linux基础教程(第2版)+pdf+50(5月3号活动) azou的马甲 2013-5-3 92867 shwu1984 2014-9-10 09:08
[成功] wiley+Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials+PDF+100币 yxzhou2001 2013-1-2 142782 科研虫虫 2013-1-10 19:02
[成功] 12月+第一本+Inside Bluetooth Low Energy +PDF+250 栀子花开 2014-12-6 42702 hiyee 2015-7-27 15:22
[成功] 【2月第2本】Fundamental Principles of Reservoir Engineering+PDF+200SDB cuiwq456 2014-2-17 62531 fenglin520 2014-2-17 19:25
[成功] 8月第2本+ Fundamental Immunology (7th)+300币+PDF 免疫学资讯 2013-8-3 62499 eli.123 2013-8-5 07:27
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[成功] 10月第1本Intermediate Microeconomics: A Tool-Building Approach PDF 130God obamaxy 2014-10-27 22461 Zeus 2014-10-27 14:27
[成功] Woodhead Publishing-Therapeutic antibody engineering-100币+pdf attach_img wuhaofei100 2013-2-16 152408 wuhaofei100 2013-2-19 15:04
[成功] 12月第1本+Microwave De-embedding : From Theory to Applications+PDF+200BB keyan2013 2013-12-11 72398 chenjh1984 2017-5-2 06:32
[成功] Maingot's Abdominal Operations, 12th Edition+true PDF+100 Courier ras 2013-5-1 52388 sky1985112003 2014-4-5 20:23
[成功] 1月第1本+Textbook Of Structural Biology+ PDF+200币 abcbanana 2014-1-8 52336 abcbanana 2014-1-21 10:45
[成功] 12月第1本 + 凸优化 + 300BB +PDF xileito 2014-12-30 62293 xiaoping 2015-11-9 08:56
[成功] 计算机辅助药物设计-基本方法原理概要与实践详解+pdf+50B ataoyo 2012-12-21 32126 博弈 2019-9-4 21:01
[成功] Earth's Climate: Past and Future +pdf +50 eemand 2013-3-24 72104 suannai 2014-10-16 15:32
[成功] Elastic Waves in Composite Media and Structures +PDF +50B yjvs 2013-2-21 42099 科研虫虫 2013-2-22 21:06
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9月第1本+ Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, 3rd Edition+pdf+500bb nuonuo0066 2015-9-29 41959 eli.123 2015-9-30 00:39
[成功] GNSS与惯性及多传感器组合导航系统原理+pdf+50BB ljrlove2008 2013-5-2 21923 德川家康 2013-5-2 09:33
[成功] Paleoclimates: Understanding Climate Change Past and Present+90+pdf eemand 2012-12-19 71909 yanghai811228 2013-1-31 16:45
[成功] 感谢blackhawk + 微分几何例题详解和习题汇编 + pdf +50B xianjiaoda 2012-12-3 21891 blackhawk 2012-12-3 09:25
[成功] 人类学经典导读+pdf+60B gengyh2008 2013-1-29 41870 老呆 2013-1-29 14:36
[成功] 5月第2本Earth Materials-Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology+PDF+220B eemand 2014-5-29 61861 chenlee123 2016-1-7 21:19
[成功] 有机化合物合成手册+500+pdf lsysxh 2013-3-10 41834 德川家康 2013-3-11 11:42
5月1本+Dovecot POP3/IMAP servers for enterprises and ISPs+pdf+500bb utoronto 2015-5-11 01818 utoronto 2015-5-27 21:25
[成功] 感谢ucdavis +轻质板壳结构设计的振动和声学基础+PDF+100B xianjiaoda 2013-6-10 31807 塞纳骑士 2013-10-12 21:10
[成功] 6月第9本+Openhole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation+清晰PDF+300币 学霸 2014-6-26 21805 Kimsouill 2014-6-26 01:14
[公告] 【活动】网盘使用有奖征集 attach_img agree 科研虫虫 2013-3-17 111784 王风 2013-5-9 21:47
[成功] wiley+Production of Plasma Proteins for Therapeutic Use+PDF+50币 wuhaofei100 2013-1-1 131754 老呆 2013-1-3 19:27


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