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[求助] 3月第1本+Developmental Disabilities ---+pdf-+300BB 新人帖 nuonuo0066 2014-3-12 0292 nuonuo0066 2014-3-12 22:02
[求助] 3月第4本+Foundations and slopes : an introduction to applications+PDF+100bb 321654987 2014-3-12 0352 321654987 2014-3-12 03:28
[求助] Culture, Place, and Nature+pdf+100b 馅饼 2013-4-16 3570 馅饼 2014-3-2 10:30
[求助] Interfaces in Linguistics New Research Perspectives+10金币+10月第1本 kysd 2012-10-8 3734 ywilson 2014-2-26 13:16
[求助] August first + Introduction to statistics and SPSS in psychology + pdf + 100 B eli.123 2013-8-4 1500 eli.123 2014-2-5 22:28
[求助] 1月第2本+Fiscal Administration+pdf+500BB looselife 2014-1-22 2383 gyrowheel 2014-1-22 20:52
[求助] 1月第6本+Manage Your Stress and Pain Through Music+PDF+100币 jjxytc 2014-1-11 0410 jjxytc 2014-1-11 12:56
[求助] 2013年10月第一篇Sludge Engineering: The Treatment and ... +pdf + 100B wsw0412 2013-10-25 0554 wsw0412 2013-10-25 10:27
[求助] 【10月第二本】The biomarker guide: Interpreting molecular +PDF+200b 科研虫虫 2013-10-2 0407 科研虫虫 2013-10-2 14:16
[求助] 【10月第1】Fossil fuel biomarkers: applications +任何格式+200币 科研虫虫 2013-10-2 0459 科研虫虫 2013-10-2 14:07
[求助] Extended Finite Element Method for Crack Propagation+PDF+10币+ 10月第1本 zhangcwy1225 2012-10-15 31352 belco 2013-10-2 11:41
[求助] Algorithms for Global Positioning + pdf + 100BB ljrlove2008 2013-2-19 52426 geodesypla 2013-9-26 20:24
悬赏 [求助] Fatigue and Fracture of Elastomers - [悬赏 10 速递币] zhanglr 2013-8-22 2570 zhanglr 2013-8-23 09:30
[求助] Inertial Guidance + pdf + 200BB + 10月第1本 ljrlove2008 2012-10-10 4750 tkmath 2013-8-21 03:45
[求助] 7月第2本+Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Remote+PDF+100速递币 中山 2013-7-4 1455 eli.123 2013-7-4 12:19
[求助] 7月第1本+Characterization of Semiconducto+PDF+300BB 新人帖 中山 2013-7-4 5541 中山 2013-7-4 12:18
[求助] Electromagnetic Waves, Materials, and Computation with MATLAB®+PDF+50B yjvs 2013-1-28 33226 salehgazy 2013-6-25 02:02
[求助] 6月第6本+ Geochemistry of Marine Sediments+PDF+500B super_desert 2013-6-19 1597 yaoji3713 2013-6-19 23:03
[求助] 6月第1本+Nonlinear operators and differential equations+pdf+200币 ljhcumt 2013-6-15 0483 ljhcumt 2013-6-15 22:48
[求助] 6月第2本+Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modeling, Second Edition+PDF+300BB f200818650 2013-6-5 7754 yanghai811228 2013-6-7 11:41
[求助] Electrochemistry for Biomedical Researchers + PDF +100 bb ras 2013-5-30 0509 ras 2013-5-30 14:37
[求助] Power Plant Construction Management...+pdf+50bb korg 2013-5-30 2589 yyl87 2013-5-30 11:28
[求助] Interfacial Science: An Introduction 2nd +pdf+200 small 2013-5-25 22610 yanghai811228 2013-5-25 13:49
[求助] 《航空器检测与诊断技术导论》+pdf+100速递币 浅蓝浅蓝 2013-5-24 4543 浅蓝浅蓝 2013-5-24 10:30
[求助] How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper,7th Edition+pdf+200 small 2013-5-23 02265 small 2013-5-23 18:53
[求助] Theory and Applications of Digital Speech Processing+pdf+100B xileito 2013-5-19 51630 xileito 2013-5-23 10:08
[求助] Aircraft Dynamics: from Modeling to Simulation+PDF+50速递币 新人帖 wangming136333 2013-5-20 2492 yyl87 2013-5-20 15:43
[求助] 东亚高等植物分类学文献概览+pdf+50b lo7ve77 2013-5-20 0473 lo7ve77 2013-5-20 13:20
[求助] 健康中国2020战略研究报告+PDF+50B 初学者 2013-1-16 31251 estatecn 2013-5-20 00:13
[求助] ADVANCED REMOTE SENSING Terrestrial Information Extraction and Applications... s2007010085 2013-5-18 2522 flyingowl 2013-5-18 23:49
[求助] The ecology and evolution of clonal plants+pdf+50b lo7ve77 2013-5-16 0498 lo7ve77 2013-5-16 21:28
[求助] Neuroanatomy Through Clinical Cases, Second Edition + PDF + 50B eli.123 2013-5-15 0885 eli.123 2013-5-15 16:12
[求助] Vaccine design: Innovative Approaches and Novel Strategies+50金币+PDF attach_img wuhaofei100 2013-5-14 21848 yyl87 2013-5-14 11:18
[求助] 益生菌健康宝典+清晰PDG+50BB+有试读 deepsee 2013-5-10 2505 yyl87 2013-5-10 20:01
[求助] Caffey's Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging+pdf+60bb mikel 2013-5-10 0501 mikel 2013-5-10 17:16
[求助] Conformational Analysis of Molecules in Excited States + PDF + 100速递币 新人帖 frznbr 2013-5-6 2560 yanghai811228 2013-5-6 18:00
[求助] World Scientific +Computational Methods for Reliability and Risk +50+pdf 一斤不醉 2013-5-5 2572 yanghai811228 2013-5-5 07:41
[求助] Botanical Dictionary: Russian-English-German-French-Latin+pdf+50b lo7ve77 2013-5-4 0409 lo7ve77 2013-5-4 19:49
[求助] Chemometrics+pdf+50B pkuma 2013-5-3 2441 yyl87 2013-5-3 21:30
[求助] ANSYS14.0理论解析与工程应用实例+pdf+50B dajia123 2013-5-3 3582 lsysxh 2013-5-3 20:04


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