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September 1st + Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences+ PDF + $ 200 changExp 2017-9-27 0301 changExp 2017-9-27 22:45
9月第一本Handbook of Life Design: From Practice to Theory pdf+200币. 圣物 2017-9-22 1317 meiyounicheng 2017-9-22 09:35
7月第一本+无线室内分布系统实战必读+整本+PDF+200B nuodun 2017-7-11 2439 ucdavis 2017-9-21 15:26
9月第一本+计算机断层摄影原理及应用 CT + PDF + 1000币 Heidelberg 2017-9-16 3455 Heidelberg 2017-9-20 20:54
9月第1,British Imperial History,pdf,100b 馅饼 2017-9-19 2324 meiyounicheng 2017-9-19 19:40
Particle Image Velocimetry dinglu101 2017-9-18 1315 meiyounicheng 2017-9-18 12:48
9月第1本+Radar Absorbing Materials +pdf +1000币 39steps 2017-9-15 1312 qingbuyujie 2017-9-15 22:57
9月第1本+Novelties in String Theory+PDF+100B tonyabcd 2017-9-13 1332 meiyounicheng 2017-9-13 17:41
8月第1本+《中国卫生和计划生育统计年鉴2016》+第5节+200币 zzqq 2017-8-30 4464 zzqq 2017-9-11 11:39
9月第1本+葛传椝英语惯用法词典+PDF+200币 mark3344 2017-9-9 2390 mark3344 2017-9-11 10:47
ebl+The SAGE Handbook of Research on Teacher Education+1000金币+pdf yezi001 2017-9-9 10727 meiyounicheng 2017-9-11 08:16
9月+第1本+Polymer Chemistry :Properties and Application+PDF+100币 tt1988 2017-9-6 3506 tt1988 2017-9-8 08:36
5月第2本+最新汉英特色词汇词典(第6版)+PDF+300币 mark3344 2017-5-23 2492 ucdavis 2017-9-6 12:13
9月第1本+Building Data Streaming Applications with Apache Kafka+100B+PDF xijee 2017-9-4 0387 xijee 2017-9-4 22:17
8月第一本+Cellular Therapy: Principles, Methods... 2nd edition+PDF+500B zero_x45 2017-8-31 1358 wuhaofei100 2017-9-4 15:06
8月第一本+Biometry: The Principles and Practice of Statistics... +pdf+200 zjdingdang 2017-8-28 0342 zjdingdang 2017-8-28 16:34
8月第2本+Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction+ pdf+200 xijee 2017-8-25 3374 xijee 2017-8-28 11:47
8月第8本+Sediment Routing Systems: +PDF+200 hxs123 2017-8-25 3335 ahaqwg 2017-8-25 14:18
In Vivo Ablation of a Dendritic Cell Subset Expressing the Chemokine Receptor. chkk 2017-8-23 2391 圣物 2017-8-23 15:56
8月第1本+ECG Masters' Collection: Favorite ECGs from Master Teachers +PDF+300 rbp123 2017-8-15 1298 rbp123 2017-8-18 21:51
8月第1本+ Intercultural Business Communication and Simulation+pdf+200 tongyikent 2017-8-12 0330 tongyikent 2017-8-12 21:04
八月第一本+永磁电机(第2版)+200BB zyy943551765 2017-8-9 2441 lben85 2017-8-9 22:08
8月第三本+Atlas of sedimentary structures +PDF+100 hxs123 2017-8-8 1380 hxs123 2017-8-9 08:54
8月第1本+wiley+Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbiology+PDF+500BB tlbbwlwz 2017-8-8 3433 liwusheng 2017-8-8 12:39
7月第2本+卡尔·马克思 一个19世纪的人+300+pdf ak47 2017-7-26 1310 ak47 2017-8-2 19:49
7 月1 The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching+150 happystudy55 2017-7-26 2587 liwusheng 2017-7-27 09:20
7月第1本+diplomacyofinvolment+120B+PDF clark99 2017-7-19 5503 clark99 2017-7-27 09:02
7月第1本+churchill+Ebrary+100B+PDF jamesnk 2017-7-21 4556 jamesnk 2017-7-26 15:09
7月第一本+Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational ..+PDF+300BB abcbanana 2017-7-20 2408 tonyabcd 2017-7-20 17:33
7月第一本+Daily Routine in Cosmetic Dermatology+PDF+250金币 tlbbwlwz 2017-7-18 3404 tonyabcd 2017-7-19 16:14
4月第1本+Springer Handbook of Global Navigation Satellite Systems+PDF+800BB ljrlove2008 2017-4-29 4653 qingbuyujie 2017-7-19 06:16
6月第一本+工程规划与设计中的概率概念+整本+200bb+PDF Analytical 2017-7-2 5432 圣物 2017-7-17 11:52
5月第1本+隧道通风与照明+PDF +100币 tynda 2017-5-29 2374 ucdavis 2017-7-15 20:58
7月第一本+Antibody-Drug Conjugates and Immunotoxins+PDF+300B zero_x45 2017-7-7 2417 ahaqwg 2017-7-7 09:54
7月第一本+Hair and Its Disorders: Biology+整本+300bb+PDF tlbbwlwz 2017-7-2 2436 liwusheng 2017-7-2 22:00
6月第一本+应用图书馆学教程(第3版)+整本+200bb+高清原版PDF highpolymer 2017-6-27 0307 highpolymer 2017-6-27 10:05
6月第1本+Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation+pdf+300币 - [阅读权限 10] knightt 2017-6-23 016 knightt 2017-6-23 20:39
6月第一本+wiley+ICH Quality Guidelines: An Implementation Guide+pdf+300币 scx 2017-6-20 2366 liwusheng 2017-6-20 11:53
5月 第1本+聚醚醚酮+100bb+pdf 浪淘沙 2017-5-10 3415 浪淘沙 2017-6-20 09:51
3月第3本+中国楼梯草属植物+清晰PDG+100币 lo7ve77 2017-3-22 2506 ucdavis 2017-6-18 21:30


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