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公告 公告: 无法收到激活邮件的等待验证会员请看这里 lclshy 2014-9-20    
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全局置顶 科研速递论坛新手赚币宝典(2016新版) 精华 attachment - [回帖奖励 503 ]  ...23456..23 expaper 2016-4-24 678195861 幽夜 2024-1-20 08:50
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分类置顶 补分专用贴 attachment  ...23456..8 ucdavis 2012-12-30 23630169 yeyue130 2020-1-15 23:49
分类置顶 长标题处理方法  ...2345 ucdavis 2014-3-3 13321894 yyitv 2019-3-22 11:42
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悬赏 Pre-oxidation modification of bituminous coal-based hard carbon for - [已解决] New ri_290 昨天 10:15 19 fenavi 昨天 15:15
悬赏 Multifrequency electrical impedance tomography system based on undersampling ... - [已解决] New shcnxjy 6 天前 141 fenavi 5 天前
悬赏 African swine fever: A review of cleaning and disinfection procedures in comm... - [已解决] New hel0123 6 天前 148 fenavi 5 天前
悬赏 Virucidal effect of chosen disinfectants against African swine fever virus (A... - [已解决] New hel0123 6 天前 150 fenavi 5 天前
悬赏 Propagation formulas and foci transformation of autofocusing beams - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-26 153 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:08
悬赏 Normal dispersion Kerr cavity solitons: beyond the mean field limit - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-26 154 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:07
悬赏 Estimate of mode coupling in a spin-VECSEL - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-26 149 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:06
悬赏 Microtexture, geochemistry and geochronology of monazite and zircon - [已解决] laowang 2024-11-26 147 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:05
悬赏 Preparation and disinfection properties of graphene oxide/trichloroisocyanuri... - [已解决] hel0123 2024-11-25 147 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:04
悬赏 Current progress, opportunities and challenges of developing green disinfecta... - [已解决] hel0123 2024-11-25 148 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:03
悬赏 Antiviral Natural Products, Their Mechanisms of Action and Potential Applicat... - [已解决] hel0123 2024-11-26 145 fenavi 2024-11-26 22:01
悬赏 Two episodes of REE mineralization in the Qinling Orogenic Belt - [已解决] laowang 2024-11-24 142 fenavi 2024-11-24 19:25
悬赏 Phase demodulation method for stable long-haul frequency transmission based o... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-22 177 fenavi 2024-11-22 15:42
悬赏 mHz-linewidth Self-Injection-Locked Semiconductor Laser Based on hollow FP Ca... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-22 166 fenavi 2024-11-22 15:41
悬赏 Observation of orbital angular momentum from an ultrathin topological insulat... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-22 165 fenavi 2024-11-22 15:39
悬赏 High-sensitivity ocean temperature sensor using a reflective optical microfib... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-22 173 fenavi 2024-11-22 15:38
悬赏 Toward higher-frequency fringe projection profilometry with fewer patterns - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-20 158 fenavi 2024-11-21 15:12
悬赏 Picosecond pulsed flat-top beam in a mode-locking all-fiber laser - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-20 256 fenavi 2024-11-21 15:11
悬赏 Chiral Bulk Solitons in Photonic Graphene with Decorated Boundaries - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-21 166 fenavi 2024-11-21 15:09
悬赏 Sleep duration,chronotype,health and lifestyle factors affect cognition... - [已解决] srm01 2024-11-19 264 srm01 2024-11-21 07:22
悬赏 英丹企合作开展民用核动力船舶监管评估研究 - [已解决] 1953 2024-11-20 162 ljrlove2008 2024-11-20 13:32
悬赏 航运业发展核动力船舶的思考与建议 - [已解决] 1953 2024-11-20 252 ljrlove2008 2024-11-20 10:35
悬赏 核动力商船监管迎来里程碑式进展 - [已解决] 1953 2024-11-20 256 ljrlove2008 2024-11-20 10:34
悬赏 Numerical investigation of an ultra-broadband coherent mid-infrared supercont... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-19 160 fenavi 2024-11-19 17:10
悬赏 Highly coherent supercontinuum generation in a photonic crystal fiber based o... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-19 159 fenavi 2024-11-19 17:09
悬赏 Interaction of solitons in nonlocal media under competing nonlinearities with... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-19 161 fenavi 2024-11-19 17:05
悬赏 Coherence evolution of multi-pulse pumped super-continuum in multicomponent G... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-15 174 fenavi 2024-11-15 19:58
悬赏 Designing persimmon-liked FeOOH-(CrCo)Ox on the plasma-treated cobalt foam fo... - [已解决] srm01 2024-11-11 281 srm01 2024-11-12 08:21
悬赏 Virus Inactivation Mechanisms: Impact of Disinfectants on Virus Function and ... - [已解决] hel0123 2024-11-11 175 fenavi 2024-11-11 16:50
悬赏 Multi-Electromagnetic Performance Optimization of Double-Layer Interior Perma... - [已解决] zyy943551765 2024-11-7 172 thesea 2024-11-7 13:19
悬赏 Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in As2S3-circular photonic crystal fib... - [已解决] zhencheng 2024-11-5 151 fenavi 2024-11-5 15:19


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